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  1. https://github.com/RemoteTechnologiesGroup/RemoteTech/releases The latest dev release seems to fix it, at least for me.
  2. Ok. I had tried fresh installing just RO, but that didn't solve it. I guess I need to go to a clean build and try re-installing RO and its mods one at a time. Edit: Deleted my old 1.2.2 RO install and started from scratch. Re-installed only the mods on the RO page of the golden spreadsheet. The missing engines are back. Now to see if they stick around after installing RP-0. If they don't, I will switch to that thread. Thanks for the help Phineas Freak Edit 2: Found the cause. The SSTU-Optional Patches folder removes the stock parts these engines are based on. So if you guys want to use SSTU with your RO, do not install the SSTU-Optional Patches folder
  3. I've been working on getting a playable version of RO/RP-0 going on KSP 1.2.2, but I can't find the early US engines (LR79, LR89, LR105) in game. I have all of the dependencies and recommended mods installed. I assumed those engines came from Ven's Stock Revamp, which I have grabbed the last working version of from Github. Do they come from a different mod that I need to be troubleshooting?
  4. Reading through the code, it is a more clear why you would want the single decimal rounding, especially after I found some parts had packetsize = 0.xxxx (can't remember the number, just that it had more decimals than needed). I suppose if you didn't want to just send the entire science amount when packets_remaining=0, you could also round the packet size to a single decimal. Okay, so there could be a 0.0001 scienceData.dataAmount floating around, especially when using a mod like scansat. Thanks for the explanation. Keep up the good work guys and thank you for sharing.
  5. Been trying to get RO/RP-0 working on 1.2.2, but I ran into the issue where science would not actually transmit after the antenna said it was 100% and done. I spent hours troubleshooting, and i think I found the source of the problem and a possible solution to try. When the code calculates how many packets it will need to send, it divides the amount of data by the packet size, then rounds UP to the nearest integer. Sounds good. However, whenever a 0.29 Mit packet transfers, 0.3 is removed from the data left to transmit. So when it tries to transmit the last of the data, there is no data to transmit, and thus it ends up short of the required data to get the science. Ex: 9 Mit science data, 0.29 packet size is broken into 32 packets. However, because 0.3 remaining is removed each time, after 30 packets it says there is no data left to transmit, but only 8.7 Mits has been transmitted. This appears to originate from what is currently Lines 122 and 123 of the ModuleRTDataTransmitter.cs on the Github. dataAmount -= frame; dataAmount = (float)Math.Round(dataAmount, 1); From my limited knowledge of coding, appears to be reducing the value of dataAmount by the value of frame, which was previously set to the minimum of PacketSize or dataAmount. Then it rounds the new dataAmount to the nearest tenth. I do not think line 123 (the rounding) is needed and is causing the issue with not transmitting all of the data.
  6. I am playing with the RO/RP-0/RSS mods (and their dependencies and recommended supporting mods). I seem to be having the opposite problem of most people here; my heat shields hardly lose any ablator during reentry. For example, I just returned a payload from 250 km orbit with a 43 km reentry perapsis and my remaining heat shield is 77.61 of the original 80 using the 1.25m LEO heat shield. Are my settings for DRE way off somehow? (using DRE 7.2.2) Thanks!
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