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    Bottle Rocketeer

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  1. thanks, and just so you know, I checked in a fresh install with no other mods to make sure it was just a tantares issue, and yeah, the dishes still wont deploy in the VAB/SPH or in flight. Great mod, I recommend it to anyone I know who plays ksp.
  2. The Vega CD O4Y and CDC02 comm dishes do not deploy, its a tiny little bug, probs easy to sort
  3. Hey, great mod, just had to show it to my viewers and friends on dA: http://stratocracy.deviantart.com/art/Energia-Buran-AB-Launchers-mod-showcase-580995288?ga_submit_new=10%253A1451405306
  4. awesome it works now, mustve been the kopernicus cache, I did clear it but perhaps in the wrong order. What is in the next version and what would be a suggested donation my friend?
  5. it could be a compatibility issue then, as once I uninstalled this mod the KSC wasnt in space. i tried using this mod without KSC switcher but that didnt help either. By clean install, I presume you mean you only had RSS and this mod installed? I will try this later. However, what could potentially be interfering? I will send you a list of the mods im using later and then you can see if any of them may be causing problems, but I dont see how part packs could.
  6. this mod seems to bug out the ksc, puts it in space. please help
  7. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/126795-1-0-4-Solar-System-Expanded-Real-Solar-System-Expansion-pack will this work with this? and will it be auto-scaled down?
  8. thanks for the kind words. im new here, but I have a long established page on dA, as well as a KSP group. if you do make a polyus, send me a link.
  9. Nice. I like the design and id recommend using smaller decouplers on the missiles to make it look nicer, but thats no big deal.
  10. I know it is included. as i have said, i had to get a friend to send me his gamedata file, then viola, it worked, so its something up with the install. If it helps, my friend downloaded this before the recent update. I tried again earlier and still it wasnt appearing. Further details: Install is 100% fine, as i unzipped the mod into gamedata as i have always done with this mod since i found it, and everything else works. Also, i noticed someone else saying it wasnt appearing, so it is not limited to me. Other detail: In the directory, under PPTS, the file icons look like blank pages. Is this any help?
  11. My Buran semi-replica, Blizzard, visiting my Mir 2 semi-replica, Kir 2. Note the station has a special extension for docking with the soviet shuttle. Part of Space Nations stratocracy.deviantart.com/gal…
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