I just noticed trying to construct an airplane. I got the center of mass pretty much in the middle of the craft. Attaching 2 heavy engines in the far back of the craft actually moves the shown center of mass forward instead of backward It is really a pain to balance out all the craft and center of mass, lift and drag, just to see the attachment of engines at the far end of the plane to actually move the center of mass forward to the cockpit. Anyone else can give me a hint on what that is all about? Apparently it seems the mass is added at the location, where the frontmost part connects to the mid section. Dont know how to upload pictures here and my dropbox doesnt give me a direct link to the content, so heres the dropbox links: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lers4y0046nox9y/WithoutEngines.jpg?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/20001fi163jjuu2/WithEngines.jpg?dl=0 As you can see, the center of mass with the engines attached is significantly futher front instead of the back. The game just seems to add the engine mass to the fuel containers attachment point and forgets all about the z-axis difference. Also the center of drag and center of lift behave strange for me it seems(nosecone-effect-like, but with the exactly opposite of expected result), but Im still trying to figure out the exact reason.