Hello. I'm having big trouble using KIS in certain situations. Basically I have this munar base, where I can produce devices (I'm using workshop), and both a wheeled and a flying machine that can carry kerbals, ready at this base. My idea was to have generic rovers/hovercrafts ready at the base, then manufacture science devices and load them in their cargos. My kerbals would then commandeer said vehicles to still unresearched biomes, attach science devices to their craft and perform science. The problem presents once a device has been attached: - The attached device is basically trembling: its contextual menu flickers and it is unusable. - after several secs of trembling, it explodes. Is this a known bug, or i'm doing something wrong? I already used KIS in a variety of situations but this thing never occurred. It makes performing field science basically impossible, at least in the way I had in mind. thanks in advance and kind regards.