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Everything posted by BazilYat

  1. I would go so far as to say MOST mechanical failures IRL are due to people forgetting to check, or not doing a repair correctly... Hm. Now there's an idea... no idea if it's possible, but if a vehicle has been launched a few times, that particular vehicle gets an increased chance of failure, necessitating pre-flight checks. On that note, there's an idea. Pre-flight checks. Even if the increased chance of failure isn't possible, how about a pre-flight check. A kerbal must walk around the vehicle to check for problems; a damaged engine might have a little dribble of fuel or some visible damage.
  2. So, it says if I get 'XU' in the red, I've angered the Kraken and should file a bug report. I appear to have angled the Kraken. That, or I've cocked up my B-52-alike's aerodynamics horribly. Please help, either way! https://gyazo.com/bf3470116f438664779777b3ec6373d9
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