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Everything posted by wx7
Gauging safe distance from nuclear explosion with your thumb?
wx7 replied to RainDreamer's topic in Science & Spaceflight
We're just 1 nuke away from WW3. What could keep it from happening... -
What is your favourite sci-fi/irl spacecraft, and why?
wx7 replied to Asmosdeus's topic in The Lounge
10/10. An engine the size of Saturn V. I love it. -
I'd like to get my name changed to "wx7". Without the "".
Vi isso num shopping: "Caixa de Eletricidade - Frame Eletricity"
10/10. It really makes us wonder what simple flaws can cause a huge one. You see, the rocket could have landed on the right planet, but because of the left-leaning flight controller, we landed on Mars whereas we were supposed to land on Alpha Centauri. The kerbals inside us are making their way out. But what if the mistake didn't happen? It would land on the right planet. Most of the experiments would have still succeeded, since they were made to be multirole. Multirole as a microwave, to be exact. Sarcasm? Is sarcasm unethical? Sarcasm, of the ancient greek ÃαÃÂκαÃμÌ / sarkasmos; designates an ironic mockery, a jest that puts its target in derision. It is biting, even bitter and hurtful. It can be considered as a form of "spicy" irony, which consists of saying the opposite of what we think, while making it understood that we are doing so. Sarcasm is harder to detect than irony. In effect, being sarcastic is saying the opposite of what one thinks, without showing it, hence being deceitful. Now, I would like to address that the view of sarcasm as being rude is cultural, to me. In the U.S, it is widely considered extremely rude to be sarcastic in dialogue with another, whereas in Europe, France most exceptionally, sarcasm is regarded as being witty. The question is linked to ethics though, which is an "applied"(if i may) field of philosophy. Ethic is situated in correlation with the ethical triangle (I want, I can, I must), with ethics, ideas aren't black or white, they are applied to corresponding situations, ethics are linked to reality. I would say that sarcasm can be quite ethical to use in the case that you are familiar with its target and he is familiar with you. Sarcasm is used at a target for a goal, the important ethical dilemna lies here: "I want to use this bellicose strategy to get my point across with that particular target, should I? Must I use it to get the effect I want or can I go another way?" Should the target be novice, or amateur, and you use sarcasm to show the weakness of that target's question, or answer, than you need to know that targetting the person's intellect will be beneficial to the overall argument. Inherent with sarcasm is the idea of deceit.
Post the things you've heard that made you facepalm. Or facedesk. Or things that forced a hypersonic hand to collide with your face. THREAD RULES: 1. Do not make fun of anyone specifically. Just mention what was said. 2. Stay on topic. 3. Do not refer to others' posts on the KSP Forums. Apparently this hasn't ended well in the past. 4. Do not mention religious/political/ideological content. It's against the forum's rules. 5. Keep it civil. May the facepalms be reborn.
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9/10 Infinite Monkey = Infinite SQUAD? Does that mean that you think that SQUAD's work will always live on? Or that it's too great to be forgotten? One could also interpret it as a phrase which pursues the line of thought involving KSP's updates. Saying that SQUAD is infinite could also mean that you think that the updates will most likely keep coming over a long period of time, eventually reaching the apeiron. One could wonder how that also affects our current society. Yes, it might live on forever, but there's a great chance that we might end up destroying ourselves. May it be not with weapons, it will be via our society. We're getting more narcissistic with every advance in technology, and with the advancement of robotics people are getting lazier. Does that mean something about us? We're constantly changing. Our society is never the same, it's like a living being. It can evolve, but most of the times the mutations aren't beneficial. Eventually, we might reach a state where our society is effectively disbanded. But there's always the optimistic, slim chance that it will survive. Saying that monkeys are infinite could also serve as a metaphor that our species will live on, seeing as monkeys are close relatives to our species. Yes, our legacy will live on, our advancements, exploring, etc. But what are their purpose if there isn't anyone there to see it. Unless, of course, we touch the extraterrestrial argument. ETs might find us by that time, learning about how our society worked. Or maybe not, maybe they're so advanced that the only reason they came here was for resources... which is more likely in my opinion. But still, back to the SQUAD thought: what if we compare kerbals to us, humans? There's a lot we can learn from kerbals: they're peaceful, somewhat intelligent, and really want to explore, independently of political constraints. Humans? War-mongering, unpeaceful pollution makers that have their progress halted because of old men in suits that only seek personal benefit. Kerbals are truly an inspiring species. If there are infinite universes, there must be one where they exist, in my opinion. If it's possible for humans to leave this universe (considering that the multiverse theory is true, of course. But it makes sense. We thought that Eurasia were the only continent, we were wrong. We thought that the Moon was the only moon, we were wrong. We thought that Earth was the only planet, we were wrong. We then expanded and found out that the Milky Way isn't the only galaxy in the universe. The next delusion is probably going to be finding out that there are more universes hanging around. It could be amazing if we could ever visit them, but it'd be quite different. Instead of having a spacesuit that supplied you oxygen and protected you from vacuum, you'd have to create a "mini-universe" around you, since the physics in the other universe could be different. And what if there are beings in these other universes... would they act the same as us, humans, or more like kerbals? Truly, something to think about.). If we ever find kerbal-ish creatures, we must definetively learn from them. Truly, something philosophical...
What Are Things You've Heard That Made You Facepalm?
wx7 replied to michaelsteele3's topic in The Lounge
Not exactly a facepalm, more like a "what the fudge is this" reaction. I don't know if this is weird, or if Daler Mehndi is just the most amazing guy in the world. EDIT: What. -
What Are Things You've Heard That Made You Facepalm?
wx7 replied to michaelsteele3's topic in The Lounge
The girl in the box's cover is like "Mmm yeah I'll just dump this bunch of liquid iodine here and some of it also over there... nothing harmful will happen. I look gud!!" -
That, too.
To avoid the toxic place that public relations are.
Hey, Edwards, paint before Vinny Jacob finds goo. MINMUS
What Are Things You've Heard That Made You Facepalm?
wx7 replied to michaelsteele3's topic in The Lounge
Found its video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auzvSkIk7xg Why do people do this? I literally have no words. 2:12 in the video, said by mother: "It's safe" BOTOX, NOW 100% SAFER -
What is the most dangerous chemical that you know about
wx7 replied to Ethanadams's topic in Science & Spaceflight
Oxygen. It's what keeps mankind alive. Philosophical, isn't it? -
SQUADu Akbar, SQUADu Akbar [SQUAD is the greatest, SQUAD is the greatest] SQUADu Akbar, SQUADu Akbar [SQUAD is the greatest, SQUAD is the greatest] Ashadu an la ilaha ill SQUAD [I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but SQUAD] Ashadu an la ilaha ill SQUAD [I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship but SQUAD] Ashadu anna HarvesteRan rasoolullah [I bear witness that HarvesteR is the prophet of SQUAD] Ashadu anna HarvesteRan rasoolullah [i bear witness that HarvesteR is the prophet of SQUAD] Hayya'alas salah [Come to prayer,] Hayya'alas salah [Come to prayer,] Hayya'alal falah [Come to success,] Hayya'alal falah [Come to success,] SQUADu Akbar, SQUADu Akbar [sQUAD is the greatest, SQUAD is the greatest] La ilaha ill SQUAD [There is no deity but SQUAD.] There we go. Muslim kerbals. What's next?
What Are Things You've Heard That Made You Facepalm?
wx7 replied to michaelsteele3's topic in The Lounge
Tells me the same things over and over again: -Instead of actual singing, it's trumpets everywhere (DUH, what do you expect? Every classical piece to be sung like Land of Hope and Glory?) -Classical and/or (insert either Beethoven or Mozart here) sucks (God, just.. why?) -No one listens to that (REDACTED) anymore (Uh, the 60 million views on Vivaldi's Four Seasons says otherwise.. and his "argument" (which is totally pointless because it's a matter of preference) is that Gangnam Style has 1 billion views. Ah, I see, Youtube is the best measurement with one piece from 2012 and another from the goddamn Baroque Period...) -It sucks -It sucks -It sucks!!!111oneonetwothree -"Dude, listen to some modern dubstep!" -(Another classmate) I'm a historian, and I think classical music is bad. (Oh my lord, a historian!!) -Long and so boring, you could fall asleep (Not if you're actually willing to try..) -Inferior to modern (Which is seriously broad, by the way --- In classical, there are piano sonatas, string quartets, symphonies, while youhave dubstep, metal and such. Also, good luck replacing an apple and an orange.) And who is he to judge my preference anyways? It's not inappropriate to listen to something else, and even more so.. He doesn't even know any examples of a classical piece. And is it not possible to just.. leave me alone? I don't criticize him for listening to dubstep, why should he criticize me for listening to something else? [/rant] You know... this is one of the reasons why humanity isn't going forward as much as it did before... -
What song(s) have you been listening to recently?
wx7 replied to UnionPacific1983WP's topic in The Lounge
Well, I've been listening to these: Don't judge me. Please. People stopped talking to me. I wonder why. -
The Creation of Kerbin Hygienesis 1 1 In the beginning The Kraken created the Mun and Kerbin. 2 And Kerbin was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And The Kraken moved upon the face of the liquid fuels. 3 And The Kraken said, Let there be light: and there was light. 4 And The Kraken saw the light, that it was good: and The Kraken divided the light from the darkness. 5 And The Kraken called the light day, and the darkness he called night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. 6 And The Kraken said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the liquid fuels, and let it divide the liquid fuels from the liquid fuels. 7 And The Kraken made the firmament, and divided the liquid fuels which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. 8 And The Kraken called the firmament Kerbal Space Center. And the evening and the morning were the second day. 9 And The Kraken said, Let the waters under the Kerbal Space Center be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry solid fuel appear: and it was so. 10 And The Kraken called the dry solid fuel Grasslands; and the gathering together of the waters called Kerbin's Oceans: and The Kraken saw that maybe they could be used as rocket fuel. 11 And The Kraken said, Let the solid fuel bring forth terrain scatter, the herb yielding seed, and the monopropellant tree yielding monopropellant after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the solid fuel: and it was so. 12 And the solid fuel brought forth terrain scatter, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding monopropellant, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and The Kraken saw that it was good. 13 And the evening and the morning were the third day. 14 And The Kraken said, Let there be lights in the firmament of Kerbin's SOI to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: 15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of Kerbin's SOI to give light upon the earth: and it was so. 16 And The Kraken made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made no other stars, though. 17 And The Kraken set them in the firmament of Kerbin's SOI to give light upon the earth, 18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and The Kraken saw that it was good. 19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day. 20 And The Kraken said, Let the liquid fuels bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above Kerbin in the open firmament of solid fuel. 21 And The Kraken created great Kerbfishes, and every living creature that moveth, which the liquid fuels brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and The Kraken saw that it was good. 22 And The Kraken blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the liquid fuel in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the solid fuel. Remember to learn orbital mechanics. 23 And the evening and the morning were the fifth day. 24 And The Kraken said, Let the solid fuel bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the solid fuel after his kind: and it was so. 25 And The Kraken made the beast of the solid fuel after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and The Kraken saw that it wasn't that bad. 26 And The Kraken said, Let us make kerbal in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the kerbfish of the liquid fuel sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all Kerbin, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the solid fuel. 27 So The Kraken created kerbin in his own image, in the image of The Kraken created he him; male and female created he them. 28 And The Kraken blessed them, and The Kraken said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the solid fuel, and subdue it: and have dominion over the kerbfish of the liquid fuel sea, and over the fowl of the souposphere, and over every living thing that moveth upon the solid fuel. 29 And The Kraken said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the solid fuel, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding monopropellant; to you it shall be for RCS. 30 And to every beast of the solid fuel, and to every fowl of the souposphere, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every monopropellant for RCS: and it was so. 31 And The Kraken saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. Next stop, the Kuran.
The Dunatian, Playable Save File (Like a Scenario)
wx7 replied to selfish_meme's topic in KSP1 The Spacecraft Exchange
The first rover got destroyed in the movie, I think. -
The "You know you're playing a lot of KSP when..." thread
wx7 replied to Phenom Anon X's topic in KSP1 Discussion
When you ask your Physics teacher if you can bring your computer to the class and use KSP to demonstrate orbital mechanics in his next class. -
Wow, this really reminds me of my first Mun lander. It was a really tall ship, powered by 3 of that engine.
What Are Things You've Heard That Made You Facepalm?
wx7 replied to michaelsteele3's topic in The Lounge
My Geometry book had "the Hubble telescope taking pictures from Earth" as an example, with full-size Earth picture. I thought out loud "The Hubble telescope doesn't take pictures from Earth, it also couldn't take that picture". My classmate then said "Of course it can't, it's on Mars." argh. -
I've got FSX. I also got the A2A Cessna 182 recently. I love to fly it.