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Everything posted by Robet.G

  1. [quote name='ostrich']Are the kax propellers allowed?[/QUOTE] no Looks like the subsonic route may be too strong here, I'll make a separate leader board for super sonic and sub sonic.
  2. [quote name='GDJ']Quick question pertaining to rules and parts: If I submit a plane with rescaled FAT-455 wings would that be allowed (they are 85% larger than the standard FAT-455's. I called them the FAT-1000's. These are my creations based on the stock SQUAD parts). Also would a non-stock 3.5m command pod/cockpit with 4 seats be allowed (this would be the MK3 mini-expansion pack that's available on Kerbalstuff). Thanks in advance![/QUOTE] As long as it's not a superior part to stock equivalent and you're trying to stack a lot of those to maximize capacity. [QUOTE][COLOR=#333333]I have something using B9 pWings ( and the HL cockpit & tail which aren't a problem - the cockpit is Mk3 equivalent with less crew & the tail seems OK ), is that reasonable? trying the ultra-efficient subsonic route, and the stock wings just aren't any good.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] yes
  3. [quote name='Graveworks']Not doubting your score of 86 Awesomeness points, they both look pretty awesome to me, but can we see how you scored them, i.e., what was the fuel consumption, mission timing, passenger load?[/QUOTE] [FONT=Verdana]Example for pictured aircraft above:[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]1305 Units LF / 3768 km / 67 kerbals = 0.0052 Units/km/Kerbal[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]100 / 224 minutes / 0.0052 Units/km/Kerbal ~[/FONT][FONT=Verdana] 86 Awesomeness This is an example run, I didn't actually fly the whole journey but I did get the actual fuel economy of this plane.[/FONT]
  4. [quote name='ostrich']People have been saying you don't need to dog fight since Vietnam and they are always wrong.[/QUOTE] people have been saying computers could drive a car and they have always been wrong... until now.
  5. So this is the gathering place for all the military buffs. I just don't understand all this obsession with fighters and stuff. We're rapidly approaching the death of fighters, cuz there is just no reason to be maneuverable and no need for dog fights. In a few decades well have laser weapons that render maneuverability completely useless. Even now days air combat is all about fire and forget missiles, there is nothing romantic or exciting about it.
  6. [quote name='Kyrian']I may enter this. Are TweakScaled parts (in this case scaled-up wings) allowed?[/QUOTE] I intend to make the challenge as open as possible to encourage creative solutions instead of locking everything up as to only allow incremental improvements on the same design over and over again. the problem with tweak scale is it uses simple scaling that sometimes produce significantly overpowered or underpowered parts. Scaling down engines for example, make them superior to smaller engines. So I am going to allow only scaled wings, structure, fuel tanks and aero parts. No scaled engines or cockpits/crew compartments.
  7. [FONT=Verdana]FAR is recommended but a separate stock leader board will be maintained.[/FONT] [B]Objective: [/B] [FONT=Verdana]Design, build and fly the most awesome airliner that flies a circumnavigation route. Take off from KSC, go around the planet and land back at KSC.[/FONT] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/dSVwKJr.jpg[/IMG] [B] Scoring: [/B][FONT=Verdana]Awesomeness = 100 /time of trip * / Fuel economy**[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]*Time is measured in # of minutes[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]**Fuel economy is measured in unit fuel per kilometer per kerbal.[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]**All resources you used must be accounted for, in # of units, excluding electric charge / intake air.[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]**Solid fuel and Mono is worth 1/2 actual amount.[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]Example for pictured aircraft above:[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]1305 Units LF / 3768 km / 67 kerbals = 0.0052 Units/km/Kerbal[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]100 / 224 minutes / 0.0052 Units/km/Kerbal ~[/FONT][FONT=Verdana] 86 Awesomeness[/FONT] [B]Rules:[/B] [FONT=Verdana]-Kerbals don't care, going into space / use of rocket boosters is allowed! (you cannot circle the planet more than once if you do either of this)[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]-Staging / ditching parts is also allowed![/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]-Vertical take off, or even launching from the rocket launch pad is allowed![/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]-Parachute / powered landing is also allowed, but you have to land on the paved runway. [/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]-The craft must be designed and landed in such a way that Karbals can get out of the vehicle.[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]-FAR or 1.0.5 stock physics, with all settings in default.[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]-No Chairs / ladders. proper seating is required.[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]-No modded air-breathing engines. Moded cockpits/crew cabins/fuel tanks/wings/rockets must have similar performance as stock parts.[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]-No non-stock resources like atmo-intake, uranium, LH2 etc...[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]-No cheats / hyper edit.[/FONT] [B]Advice: [/B][FONT=Verdana]I did the math and going into space seems to be a balanced solution because of the penalty from fuel economy.[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]Going subsonic and ultra efficient is also potentially viable.[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]Most potent solution seems to be a large supersonic plane.[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]Use the pilot assit mod if you have a slow design and don't waste your time controlling it by hand.[/FONT] [FONT=Verdana]This actually gets a similar score as the one above.[/FONT] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/XmE1aIE.jpg[/IMG] [SIZE=5][FONT=Verdana]FAR Leader Board [SIZE=2] [/SIZE][SIZE=2] [FONT=verdana]1. [B]Subsonic[/B] [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][SIZE=5][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2][FONT=verdana]Van Disaster [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=verdana][SIZE=2][COLOR=#3E3E3E]~ 348 Awesomeness w/ really really big airliner[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][SIZE=5][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2] 2. [/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE][B]Subsonic [/B][SIZE=5][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=2]Robet. G ~ 86 Awesomeness w/ generic looking modern airliner[/SIZE][/FONT][/SIZE]
  8. The gigantic elevators in the front makes the thing incredibly unstable unless you artificially add giant weights to the front. [img]http://i.imgur.com/Hpi0Cqk.jpg[/img]
  9. I don't know what's wrong with you people, I have no problems with. Any of these because I save zero space crafts. If I need a new craft I just build one, period.
  10. The rules reads like this to me: "must look exactly like an F-16 or it doesn't count"
  11. How is this a challenge? seems to be easier than just playing normally?
  12. Would have been an interesting challenge if not for the see who has more patience with obsessively using alt+tab to a transfer orbit calculator rule (no mech Jeb). Or the see who has the bigger hard drive rule (mandatory video). why do people have to be so but hurt with their rules.
  13. that, and people have landed on the moon with RCS, this isn't really a challenge.
  14. Well maybe we should have a FAR leader board because FAR master race.
  15. Untitled Space Craft #293 This is moded with FAR and that cockpit from one of the aircraft extension packs I have. Highest altitude 31,868 m Highest speed 1573 m/s Range of super cruise @mach 4 : ~3000 km Landing is extremely difficult because of lack of control and general low lift. flawless landing is probably doable with empty tanks though.
  16. You're right I just realized they're not stock. But it makes no difference because they're actually less dense than the half length 2.5m tanks. Since this is mostly just a lift efficiency challenge I don't think it really matters what you're using as payload.
  17. 28080 Units of Liquid Fuel to 85,789m orbit
  18. I would make a reusable rocket that recovers most of the cost. so can you or can you not recover stuff? you still haven't answered any of my questions.
  19. Again, are we talking cost to launch, or net cost after whatever is recovered. and how is the amount of fuel measured?
  20. It is ejected Kerbin prograde, it generates an AP of 18 million km.
  21. escaping Kerbin with an Kerbol ap of 18million km
  22. what fuel? Xeon Gas? how do you measure it? units? mass? Hyperedit isn't a part mod, can I use that? What is cost? the cost to launch or the cost to launch minus recovered cost? Does the fuel itself count as cost ? What fuel depot? I thought this was about sending fuel, do we also need to build a depot?
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