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Everything posted by Delta-Cheese

  1. Unfortunately no... I installed EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements and my screenshots apparently don't work anymore...
  2. As Harry said your moving in the wrong way, I am guessing your AN and DN say 180º and not 0º.
  3. WARNING: Bad english ahead OK, my munar station in a polar orbit is out of fuel. Great... I have tried every single design possible but nothing works. While in orbit of the Mün the delta-v for a plain change is HUGE, and I can't for the love of cheese get a manneuver that adjusts my plain while in the SOI of kerbin... Any ideas? I would like to deliver at least 1/4 of an orange tank at a time. BTW this is career mode and I have not unlocked spaceplane tec, but I have all 2,5m parts. If you could post me some designs it would really help.
  4. I didn't put any fuel in the wings because it never got used (ran out of oxidizer) My problem was (I think) not enough delta-v, but it may just have been very bad flight skills...
  5. Thanks! I am kinda confused on how reentry works because without heat shields I have 0 ideia how to not.... well blow up...
  6. Hello! I am currently working on some SSTOs, the only problem is I have no ideia what I'm doing... What I really want is a rocket/spaceplane that can carry probes in to orbit, fuel for stations, or small station parts in a very efficient manner (meaning I can return it). How do I do this? Please, if possible give me a little SSTOs 101 class. What do I need for a SSTO? And how should I fly it? After that I shall work on a actual SSTO and I will post the picture here to see what you guys think! Ignore all english mistakes please... And may the power of cheese be in your favor!
  7. Sod`s law probably can describe it,"if something can go wrong, it will" . Here is some info on it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sod%27s_law
  8. Whyy?? I just happen to be in a region where a total lunar eclipse will occur, and here we had a clear sky all day. BUT NOW THERE ARE STUPID CLOUDS :(:(. WHY?? Seriously this the 4th time this year that weather ruined rare astronomical events for me...
  9. Here is my most recent station core: (WARNING: I am not a pro, so this ins't impressive ) *crossing my fingers so I don't srew up the image posting* Oh, I am not a native english speaker so don't mine the atrocious english mistakes.
  10. I tried the reverse gravity turn, and it works like a charm! Thanks a lot guys!
  11. Thanks for the welcoming! I have KER, so I usually use that TWR trick (I'm actually not that bad at landing) but I have no idea how you can kill horizontal speed that close to the target. Obviusly you would need to be already quite slow, right? Do you do most of the speed kill in that retrograde/radial part or when you are close to the area?
  12. First of all, I apologize for my elementary level english . I have just setup a Mun Station to get me science and cash for my future Duna Mission, I have accepted a bunch of contracts and half of them are "do temperature scans on area XXX-XX while landed" but I NEVER can land correctly in that region. I always over shoot or under shoot. I am having extreme difficulty doing this because I never seem to be able to aline my orbit properly and when I am able to aline correctly I kill horizontal speed to early or late. Any tips on how to do this? BTW here is some info on my station, it may help: - The station is in a polar orbit (almost) - It has a lander which has about 2000 m/s of Delta-V - The station has a Poodle engine but not much fuel left (a little less then a quarter of a orange tank)
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