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  1. @MikaelPerrin @NathanKell That did the trick, turns out my Autoprune script removed most of the Squad parts. Thanks!
  2. Hi! I I Seemto not be getting any lunar rated heatshields, only for LEO, which makes my lunar returns a bit more exciting than I would want. They are not in any research nodes either. Any ideas? I am running a standard CKAN installation with RO/RSS. Thanks!
  3. Very impressive! I am also working on trying to automate my space station building a resupplying, would you be able to share your code for inspiration?
  4. Hi! Loving this mod, but I was wondering if it possible to delay the feed from videos? Im trying a RO/RSS playthrough, and for that extra realism feeling it would be great if the video feed suffered the same delay. Im using Hullcam for cameras. Thanks!
  5. I this compatible with 1.04? Doesnt seem to have been updated for a while. Wow, I am loving kOS! Very real feel - will be perfect for controlling the probes. Great list, thanks!! Hullcam has first person IVA if i am not misstaken? Great idea with the failure mods! Will be an incentive to use KIS for spare parts (and an incentive to be completely terrified all the time)
  6. Hi! I am planning a playthrough with the amazing Realism Overhaul mods including RSS. However I would like to add that little extra flavour and also limit my view to IVA, EVA and map view. So no magically floating camera next to my probes etc. I want to wonder what the H happened when my probes stop sending telemetry (ie blows up) and I want to see Mars for the first time through the eyes of Jeb when he EVAs. So my question is: What do I need for mods except RO (with required and recommended installed) to make this work? I'm thinking rasterprop, Hullcam, action group extended (since I want to try and avoid having to click the vessel for science experiments) Really appreciate your help here! Thanks!
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