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  1. Sorry, Its not the actual space station (I didnt mean that, I had a brain fart on how to describe it), its the Home base that lags. Trying to skip time lags out, as well as looking through the tech tree. I cant see why these two conflict. If I turn off one or the other, they work fine with no lag no matter the amount of mods. Im not using any tech mods or career mods either. And I done countless testing switching between mods.
  2. Not sure if any one else experienced this but I get huge amounts of lag when using this mod with realism overhaul. I only experience this when I am looking at the space station. If I go to the build screen no lag. If I test my aircraft, lag is gone as well. This only happens with RO, if I turn off RO in CKAN then works fine. Also I am only using your tech pack. Is their a reason this is happening? I cant find any conflicts.
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