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Everything posted by Hysterrics

  1. Did you happen to find it on the subreddit? *WINK* *WINK* *WINK*
  2. :OO I was finally mentioned! I'm working my way up the Kerbal ladders, here we go. No brakes. @Joco223 You still alive bud?
  3. Gilly: Ant engines are overkill, Mammoth engines are an instant Gilly to Eve trajectory.
  4. 7/10 Nice and clean Can we make a rule not to rate signatures if something is wrong with the client being used? I've seen a lot of people rate unfairly because of their own issue.
  5. 6/10 Badge at the bottom cut off. Doesn't look cutoff to me? (Firefox, Stylish + Plus the thing some user made to make forums look a little better)
  6. magma.coolbo Don't mind the stupid name. It was from a stupid period where I couldn't pick a non-stupid name. I've added you.
  7. Wanna team up on Skype? I can't talk or anything because i live where 60kb/s satellite internet is the only option, but we can certainly chat and build off of each others designs. The only thing really keeping me back from signing up for a mission control role is exactly that. Oh well, such is life.
  8. Holy [REDACTED]. That's bold. I believe that you all can land a man on the Moon. Meanwhile, I'll be drawing up some plans for a rocket to take us there. Anything I should know?
  9. Alright, let's slow down own the caps + exclamation marks there buddy. The idea is to ask calmly. Someone will help you, just don't act so angry.
  10. 5/10 Fairly simple but still formatted nicely.
  11. The next update will help with that FPS issue. Welcome!
  12. Oh, alright. Haven't checked out the pictures yet, but I will. Do you plan on creating mods out of these models some day?
  13. Update! I'm probably not going to download right now, but I'm sure I will when 1.1 gets a full release.
  14. Hello. I would like to change my name to Hysterrics. Thanks.
  15. Oh, I get it now, Maximus Crustacean.
  16. 2/10 Poorly formatted, not sure where the cheese came from.
  17. So wait, is it still my launch vehicle, just renamed? I haven't really been following recently.
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