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  1. I would love to use your craft, but almost all of them are incompatible with 1.3.0. 3 or 4 of your launchers work, but the rest all get auto-deleted when trying to open the craft directory in the VAB or SPH.
  2. Nevermind me....I am what could be technically called a....what's the word....MORON. When I installed the new version of FASA, I simply extracted it into my Gamedata, overwriting the one I had in there.....which just happened to be a very old version that had an extra file in the Resources folder, which was causing the conflict. simply deleting everything and reinstalling the new version cleanly fixed it. Anyway...
  3. I found out today that FASA was the mod breaking my ability to do Crew Reports, use the Goo canister and the Science Jr (haven't tested any other science from standard sources). The Geiger counter present in FASA works normally, and I suppose ALSEP will also work, since those are the experiments defined in FASA's ScienceDefs.cfg. Do ScienceDefs.cfg files in specific mods conflict with Squad's own? It certainly seems to be the case for me, and as I said I managed to isolate FASA as the culprit. Any ideas on how to unbreak this? I'd really like to continue using FASA, even if it means just ditching all the science parts in it (though that should be the last resort). Help greatly appreciated!
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