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Everything posted by chrisl154

  1. I still cant download it...I have changed static dns's and my own DNS's on my adapter...
  2. Hello, I am trying to download KSP through the website, and I normally have no problems but for some reason I cant download them right because it constantly says maintenance mode. Does someone know how long this is going to be...? I cant play any kerbal right now because I deleted the last one to update to the newest one. Thank you.
  3. Hey there! im having an issue where every time i get to launch it none of the bays will open their doors, even the huge one. I have nothing blocking the doors or anything, but for some reason, it does not give me the option to do so.
  4. Being a Audio Engineer I love being to hear things, I figured if kerbals wanted music in space you would need one epic relay. I think this might be suffice. Probably need more satellites though, Getting off the ground was nearly impossible. With a consistent 70 degree steering error i was lucky I even got it out into orbit. Was fun though, thought I would show you all the accomplishment.
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