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    Rocketry Enthusiast

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  1. It doesn't have to be stock but feel free to use stock QBEs if you want to save time:-)
  2. Молодец, большое спасибо за труд! У меня есть пара вопросов по переводу, но я их написал в личку. Надеюсь, не оскорблю придирками:-)
  3. Just checking if BB code is working in this forum engine.

  4. Actually, SteamSpy developer said he will remove any game's statistics from his service if the developer contacts him and requests that, no thresholds and no questions asked. Some companies apart from Squad (mostly Japanese, curiously enough) have done so.
  5. Joined on 14th of July, 2011. I don't quite remember what version of the game it was that I started with - .8? .9? It was still a tiny bunch of parts, and the terrain was a poorly-textured cratery mess that danced and morphed like crazy as you flew over it. The planet was lonely and static - no moons, no other celestial body except for a single point of light for the sun hanging infinitely far away directly above the KSC - and no rotation, either. The dark side of the planet was glitchy and destroyed any craft that tried to land on it. In a nutshell, the KSP was a bare glitchy proof-of-concept sort of deal. And yet, there was something about it that made me believe it would blossom into something beautiful. Maybe it felt like Orbiter and yet also like an actual game. Maybe the vessel construction reminded me of Spore done right. Maybe the Minecraft zeitgeist made me interested in watching this game develop right before my eyes and maybe even influence it as it did (mind you, the Early Access wasn't a thing back then, and neither were the weariness and wariness about unfinished indie games). So I bought the game as soon as preorders were available, and that was the best 6 euro I've ever spent on a videogame.
  6. Да нет, было дело, гробили уже. В тот раз хоть результат выглядел забавнее, хоть какое-то утешение.
  7. Good luck guys! Don't forget to screw up the Unicode again! The Russian subforum thread counts on you!
  8. Какой же активности они ожидают на подфоруме, который сами регулярно раз в несколько лет гробят своими играми с кодировками? Пускай лучше еще пару раз переедут - тогда и в треде нужды не останется.
  9. You might want to adjust the braking torque for your wheels. The default settings seem to be on a low side. Just right click on your wheels and set braking torque to maximum.
  10. I like it how the first (okay, the second) idea of utilizing this new technology is a weapon:-)
  11. I like your take on the Mercury capsule. Looks not unlike the real thing. I'd add some space tape to represent those struts that kept the engine attached to the bottom but it looks legit either way.
  12. So I was fooling around with the KSP 1.0 sandbox, trying to figure out the new aerodynamics system. And what is better way to figure out any aerodynamic system than by flying a self-made abomination of a plane that is basically a collection of all types of crew cabins clumped together into a vaguely flyable shape? So as I flied my freaks around Kerbin crashing them and expending innumerable Kerbal lives, I came up with a little narrative. So I decided to document one of such flights for my and my girlfriend's pleasure and thought that maybe somebody here might find it interesting. So, here it is, Mother Goose's Maiden Voyage. Mind you, it's nothing extraordinary or even really interesting from an engineering standpoint - just a little story to amuse the reader and test my language skills if nothing else.
  13. As far as I know, there's an option to tune the sie of the UI. Try and see if it means the navball, too. UPDATE: Yep, it works.
  14. Does this mean Laythe is Kerbin?! :-o
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