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Everything posted by spacetackle

  1. @Moarmau5 That's awesome! I have been doing the same thing too, There were plenty of planets/moons I had not seen until I started flying these. I should probably move the engines past the end of the tech tree in their own category. So that the engines don't nurf the stock engines for people who are playing career. At the moment they are at the second last tier. Might do that next update. (Trying not to update too frequently though now.)
  2. Thanks @teag2 Glad you are enjoying it! Yeah the idea is to have the tie fighter be as capable as the movies, while still requiring to be refueled "at some stage" you are right, totally intentional with regards to the solar panels, it would suck if you couldn't fly at night. Though I suppose I could add a very large battery to the cockpit for night flight, should I decide to make them proper solar panels in a later update. would be great to see some pics of what you have been making
  3. @Moarmau5Oh, it is VASTLY better in 1.1i if you do try it, make sure you delete your 1.1h folder, as the folder structure has changed. From 1.1i onwards you will be able to just copy over the folder as with other mods.
  4. Thanks @Moarmau5 Assuming you tried the 1.1i version?
  5. @Moarmau5 Actually I do have an x-wing on the way just finished sketching out the basics. Also - Your question before about flight performance of the K.I.E Fighter prompted me to have another look at it.... as a result, she flies like a dream now. You can fly in a straight line on SAS and leave it no worries now. Just like a plane.
  6. Thanks @Moarmau5! They fly pretty great, though they do tend to catch the wind between 250m/s - 300m/s in the lower atmosphere, which will cause them to want to turn. so you can't rely soley on SAS when low. you need to do some hands on flying. (at that speed range at least). FIXED I think I know the mod you mean, and these engines are a lot more powerful. Also here is a sneak peak at the RasterPropMonitor support I just finished. (will be in next release)
  7. Hey @MOARdV, @JPLRepo, Firstly thanks for making such an awesome mod/system. I have just built my first mod, and the last step was to incorporate RasterPropMonitor into my mod. The results are great. I am running this in the 1.1 pre-release. Looking forward to when your official 1.1 version is released so that I can publish this I had a bit of a toy around with the test build and the only thing I could find that might be wrong was the green HUD updates very slowly. (seems slower than older versions) - Haven't tried any "third party" mod support though. Thanks again!
  8. Ahh of course that all makes perfect sense! Thanks for letting me know. I will remove the version number from the folder/cfgs in the next update, and leave it that way from then on. Hopefully it wont be to bothersome to change it one more time.
  9. Hey @politas, thanks very much. And thanks for your suggestion Just wondering why it is better not to have it? (I just have it there so people can keep track of which version they have easily) I'll change it to a readme for the next update
  10. 1.1g hatch bug fix. If you currently have the 1.1g release and are experiencing problems trying to enter/ exit the cockpit. Download 1.1h for the fix.
  11. Hi @Tangle The spacedock site had some technical difficulties and as a result I had to repost the mod. It should be available to dowbload at both spacedock.info and curse. The mod forum page has been update with these links :).
  12. @Hary R I managed to get the emissives to work in Unity5 Here is what you do: 1. apply the emissive texture on the object you wish to use as: SHADER: ksp/emissive/diffuse 2. goto tools create color animation 3. enter the name of the object that has the applied emissive texture into the Relate field 4. leave the type field as material 5. change the Property field from _Color to _EmissiveColor 6. Enter a file name for the emissive. it must be one that is compatible with ksp cfg files. 7. select the color you want to use 8. Hit create. 9. goto your object that you just created the animation for and add an Animation component, then click in the animation field and select the one your just created from the list. And that's it. Then just go ahead and write.
  13. Thanks for your help @Hary R I am building my first mod, and so every time I run into a wall it's difficult to know if it's a mistake I made or not. This explains alot! I was using the old animation component.
  14. HI, I am wondering what the correct process is for creating the emissive textures / windows in UNITY 5. I have tried creating the animation, but everytime I do, it stuffs up the part in game, making it not move correctly. If you have a model ready for emissive animation, what is the next step? and when I am finished creating the animation, do I parent it to something? does it need to be attached to the cockpit model? or as a child of game object the cockpit model is in? or do you not attach the animation to anything? Help would be greatly appreciated on this. I cannot get it to work without damaging my part.
  15. @Enceos Thanks so much for linking me to that tutorial.... Just look how happy this little dude is!
  16. Hi everyone, I am wondering how to add custom sounds to parts you have created. so far I have only been able to find some outdated information on the WIKI, and employing this doesn't seem to be working. Any help or link to recent tutorials would be great. Thanks everyone.
  17. Hi everyone Can someone please explain to me how the new interior from exterior views function? or point me in the right direction to a good resource on this? I would like to enable it for my mod. I notice there are two kinds. one function that makes the window glass disappear and one that cuts away into the interior. I would like to know how to do both but preferably how to do just make the cockpit glass dissapear so that you can see in from the outside. Thanks very much for your help!
  18. Hi linuxgurugamer The mod has already been converted to DDS (which fixed it's conflict with scatterer) as well as now having IVA Just custom sounds to go. and then I will add raster prop monitor support if/when a 1.1 version of that is released
  19. Hey thanks for the advice. I may have a look at the texture size for the next update. The solar pannels are generators so that people can still fly them in the dark. The ion engine uses a lot of power. And two pannels are required to operate 1 engine. ( May be tweaked more in future.) I wanted players to be able to experience a tie fighter, without having to worry if they are in the sun. I imagine the tech would be much more exotic than our panels in real life Career integration will come after i finish the internals - with raster prop support. And add tie engine sounds
  20. Thanks for all your suggestions Demios Rast! I will take them all on board and address them * The license is: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License * for this version, and the license is included in the ZIP. I will find a license that makes abit more sense for the next update. but basically it is just this so I can "ensure" that everyone gets the right updates and there are not 10,000 altered copies published. (any suggestions about this I'm open * I am not sure how it works with FAR, the only mod I have time to try out was Scatterer, and that does cause a graphical glitch - so I will investigate. ( love to hear feedback about which mods do and don't work. I imagine far will be touch and go, as this tie fighter was made to handle like the movies, it might explode in FAR lol * I have taken a few more random configuration shots and posted them in the imagur albulm I will embed above. * It is fully tech tree integrated (towards the later end) - It is not career compatible though I would love to support that one day... just as soon as I learn how. * The mod has placeholder IVA so that EVA and portrait fucntions. I will add all this info above. Thanks for your support! hope you enjoy it, and I always welcome suggestions! EDIT: * there is no difference between the interceptor and tie solar panels, The only difference is that they handle differently in atmosphere. and the interceptor looks BAD ASS
  21. 04/07/2016: Spacetackle's K.I.E Fighter mod. 1.1k Support for official 1.1 Release. Support for RasterPropMonitor 0.25 Support for Module Manager 2.6.22 Back on spacedock with even more features! 9 modular parts including two varieties of K.I.E fighter panels and two engines types. Mix and match any combination (fully compatible with stock) IVA - Fly the K.I.E Fighter and take over the galaxy in First person! (optional raster prop monitor & Asset props support coming in future update) Custom engine scream View your kebals inside the K.I.E cockpit from outside! Cockpit emissive lights ** Test - RasterPropMonitor & ModuleManager support. (This is NOT for an official release of these mods and is intended to help test for 1.1) CURRENT VERSION 1.1k DOWNLOAD: SPACEDOCK CURSE INSTALLATION: open the stKIEFighter1_1k ZIP file and copy the contents inside your GameData folder. LICENSE: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License COMPATIBILITY: Should be compatible with most mods. KNOWN ISSUES: - Some symmetry issues in VAB/SPH CHANGELOG: 1.1k Support for official release of KSP 1.1 Support for 1.1 Compatible versions of RasterPropMonitor 0.25 and ModuleManager 2.6.22 1.1j - minor fix: - adjusted pilot seat position. 1.1i Improved flight in atmosphere added support for ( 1.1 pre-release RasterPropMonitor and ModuleManger TEST builds) Improved view from cockpit Added new collision meshes other small tweaks 1.1h fixed EVA hatch error.
  22. Hi everyone, So I'm close to finishing a barebones mod and the last step is getting the airlock & ladder working. I have followed every turorial i can find to the letter. Yet it still won't work. On the last write I was sure it would work. But it actually caused all command modules in the game to cease working. (They no longer registered as able to have crew inside) strangely, even after I removed my mod, the problem still persisted? Any idea what could have caused that?
  23. EDIT: sorry wrong thread, not sure how to delete. Hi everyone, So I'm close to finishing a barebones mod and the last step is getting the airlock & ladder working. I have followed every turorial i can find to the letter. Yet it still won't work. On the last write I was sure it would work. But it actually caused all command modules in the game to cease working. (They no longer registered as able to have crew inside) strangely, even after I removed my mod, the problem still persisted? Any idea what could have caused that?
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