[if this kind of thing has been discussed before, a link would work fine; I'm new here and haven't looked into all of the forum features] So, I accepted some contracts I haven't tried before after a Minmus trip that got me a lot of new tech and made me want to try doing harder contracts because I wanted to attempt some more difficult things to get the full game experience. Anyway, I accepted two contracts to rendezvous with and save two kerbals stuck in low Kerbin orbit. Turns out they both have identical nearly circular orbits (see the picture) that spans 80-85km. After a few mishaps such as discovering that they had no docking port (since I knew of no other way at the time to save someone), I eventually unlocked the Claw and tried again. Now, I can't seem to rendezvous with them at all. No matter where in my orbit I move the maneuver node, or adjust my [anti]normal or pro/retrograde, I can't get anywhere close to the target without having a periapsis of <40kish. I can either maintain orbit, or get close to the target. I sat on high time warp and let myself orbit a few times to change our relative positions, but it doesn't seem to matter since no matter what it seems like I can't get anywhere close to them without de-orbiting. My last attempt ran around Kerbin for 3 in-game days of trying to get a maneuver node to reach them, adjusting & moving it around, etc, before giving it up and just orbiting again a few times to have another go. I eventually gave up and I can't seem for the life of me to get a rendezvous with them. Anyone have any tips on how to rendezvous with someone in such low orbit?