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Everything posted by ineon

  1. Just to check: you are aware the it won't actually fly forever? You will have to land it whenever you want to fly something else (or need a mod that bypasses the checks about when you can go back to the space centre)
  2. Steam will leave behind files that it doesn't think that it installed. You can use the "Delete game content" followed by manually deleting the file in Steam Apps.
  3. You could create a space station, but attach everything with decouplers. Once you are in orbit fire all the decouplers. Viola - instant debris.
  4. Plenty. I can easily get back, I was just interested in doing it efficiently. dv that I don't use now is dv for later missions.
  5. My situation: I am currently at Minmus north pole (landed) getting science and my orbiter is in a equatorial orbit. What is the most efficient way of meeting back up to dock? I don't think that doing a polar orbit and doing a plane change seems efficient. Going straight south (suborbital) and then attempting to match orbit gets me a giant apoapse. Or do I just accept that it will take some significant dv?
  6. When you right click on the chute is there an option to deploy the chute, or is there an option to cut the chute? If it give you the option to cut the chute then you have probably fired the chute too early by accident. You might be able tweak the other settings in the right click menu to change when the fired chute deploys and not let it deploy too early.
  7. I did find it eventually. It was listed with the science, not with the celestial body pages.
  8. Celestial bodies have different "zones" for collecting science in - high space, near space and obviously landed/splashed (and maybe others in the atmosphere if there is one). Is there a way of finding out where the high/near boundary is for each body? For example, is one of the numbers on the wiki page this value?
  9. I found this hugely useful http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/130697-KSP-1-0-x-Complete-Printable-Stock-Science-Checklists Print if off and check them off as you do them
  10. My Kerbals seem to forget that they need to hang on to the ladders in EVA. For example, I am in orbit waiting to go over a feature to get an EVA report and so focused on this loop: 10 Click EVA report 20 Still over the wrong place 30 Reset experiment 40 GOTO 10 that I don't see that my Kerbal is floating off into space. Am I doing something wrong, or do Kerbals just have a really short attention span?
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