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Everything posted by BlackTigerX

  1. Looks like 1.0.5 has just been released. Then I'll just release the changes i've already made now, but the next update will probably be delayed, because i'll have to wait for Kopernicus to update and probably rewrite some code of my planets. Here is the changelog for now: 10 nov: -Fixed atmospheres way too fast pressure gain on very high altitudes. -Redone Kovus's terrain, now much more interesting. -Added magnificent and EPIC gas giant. Will have moons and rings(?) in the future. -All the planets but Atlan moved inwards, Atlan moved outwards to create gap for the gas giant. Now just have to wait till Kerbalstuff uploads the new version. It's not tested with the other worlds mod, but I guess it shouldn't conflict.
  2. Sure thing. Ocean { HazardousOcean { HeatCurve { key = 0.2 0 //height where the overheat begins, +0.2 because it begins barely. key = -5 1.5 key = -25 450 } } } NOTE: You don't need text with double backslash, it just explains stuff here, remove it in your confing.
  3. Whew, just released another update:) Hope everyone likes it. -Reduced Keridani's orangeness a bit. -Added huge planet Atlan with 2 moons. -Clouds should work properly now. -Shomma recolored, not so contrastic now and looks way better. -Updated screenshots. Yeah, I've seen the Jungis, looks nice, despite a bit unrealistic and too much contrast on some planets.
  4. Well, looks like Kerbalstuff has finally been fixed and it approved my mod, so I'm updating things now... UPD: Done! See the changelog in the title post!
  5. Probably the contrasty thing is Shomma's green atmosphere. Also, I updated the album, the new planets you see there is the stuff I created. I'll upload it on Kerbalstuff as soon as it stops giving me errors when I try to.
  6. The current released version does not, because it messes up Dres, so does New Horizons, this may cause conflicts. In the next version I plan to make it not to touch stock planets at all, so It will (probably) be compatible.
  7. Have you installed anything else? Kopernicus? ATM? I use this mod with a bunch of other mods and it only takes 2.9 gigs at maximum.
  8. Lol, just saw my mod on Modding Mondays, awesome! I don't have much spare time this week, but hopefully i'll finish next update by this weekend (or at least next monday/tuesday). Also, I planned to put these planets (and some new ones) into orbit of a star very close to Kerbol (orbiting it?) and restore stock position of Dres. Should I do this, or just keep them around Kerbol among stock planets? UPD: sigma88 will probably make a patch for galactic neighborhood. If my idea gets approved, i'll use his star's config (Don't worry, I gave him instructions about what this star should be.).
  9. Finally done, uploaded to Kerbalstuff, added clouds, changed the description accordingly.
  10. Thanks, i've already got it. I'll try to upload it on Kerbalstuff in some days, when the clouds are ready.
  11. I mean their surface is created using different procedural height noises instead of PNG height maps. That's how they totally avoid pixelated surface. Oh, and the second answer is somewhat correct, KSP actually generates planet's surface when you get close to this planet ingame (I guess so, correct my words, if they are wrong). Height noises are just a different kind of data for generation.
  12. Randazzo, thanks, I should have guessed that before... What kind of file does your PC support? 7z? - - - Updated - - - Just use different height noises instead of heighmaps. You can use height map with zero deformation and non-zero offest to... well.. offest terrain, because VertexHeighOffset is a bit glitchy, at least for me, or, instead of zero deformity you can use pure black texture for heightmap, heightColorMap requires it, because it assumes vertexheightmap's "deformity" value as a height of 1.
  13. Thanks. BTW, looked at Kerbol Starsystem, looks nice too, but how do you insert imgur albums, so they show first image like that? I tried to put my own, and it only shows a URL.
  14. As Nebia and Shomma have become successful planets, I made a planet pack, just as I promised. Each planet gives you a totally different set of challenges. They are fully procedurally generated and give an experience that is totally different from those pixel-surfaced height map planets. Currently there are 16 new objects in total, all are 100% procedurally generated and with their own biome maps. (but the gas giant's texture, of course) Celestial Bodies List with brief descriprions: Keridani - A K1 orange star, moving resonant to Kerbol, 2/3 of it's radius and 1/2 of mass. It's light gives a bit orange tint. Avereage distance is ~1 billion kilometers (binary star?). -Kovus - The first planet of Keridani. A scorched, dense, tidally locked rock with a very thin but overheating atmosphere and volcanoes. BONUS - lava oceans, they instantly overheat everything on touch! -Murabi - The second planet of Keridani. A bit smaller than Kerbin, but with nice yellow rings and extreme atmosphere. It actually may kinda represent Venus, but the other way than Eve does, more real-Venus-like way. Orbit is eccentric. --Mant - A tiny asteroid in Murabi's rings. Covered with ridges, but still has some relatively smooth plains. A good place for a refueling plant. -Nebia - Terristrial planet with red surface, third in the system. 120% of Kerbin's radius, but only half atmo pressure, parachutes won't save your landing craft on their own! --Chryso (pronunciation: [krizo]) - A suspicious asteroid relatively close to Nebia. Probably a huge nest of unknown insects, floating in space. --Retios - An orange-colored world with relatively smooth surface and craters. Good for rover rides, craters are smooth (mostly) and therefore support "skating" and bowl-racing. --Somb - A dark asteroid, the third Nebia's moon. There is almost nothing known about it, but it gives 25% more science than most other bodies! --Grunt - The fourth Nebia's moon, very similar to Dres in the matter of mass and Radius, but very different coloration and landscape. -Shomma - Smaller terristrial world, fourth in the system, orbit is a bit inclined and eccentric. 70% of Kerbin's radius and atmosphere, but totally different coloration. May host unicellar life. --Sol'Airo (pronunciation: [soleyro]) - A captured comet on highly eccentric and inclined orbit. Good for rover rides on icy flats (They may contain explosive chemicals, don't tell anybody!). --Arenn - An oblated asteroid with ludicrous landscape. I wanted to make it rapidly rotating, but had to slow it down, because it caused horrible glitches. -Equent - a magnifiecnt gas giant of EPIC size, but low gravity and high atmosphere. Will have moons and rings(?) in the future. Now useful for Keridani encounter aerobraking. -Atlan - A huge, but atmosphereless planet. Almost twice the radius of Kerbin, very high gravity and reversed rotation. Not very much else to say. --Varuna - First Atlan's moon. Light-colored surface, relatively faint craters, a bit larger than Retios. About twice of the Mun's SMA. --Erat - Atlan's second moon. The surface is different from any other planet, due to a different noise type used. Reddish. Somewhat eccentric and inclined orbit. BTW, you can enable fast rotation for Arenn if you want! Just go to "GameData/Planets/Arenn" and open Arenn.cfg with wordpad, notepad or any other text editor and change the "rotationPeriod" value to the time (in seconds, 1800 is half an hour) you want 1 Arenn's day to be long. But be prepared for horrible glitchiness, i did warn you. Screenshots: Installation: Unzip in your GameData folder. Or use CKAN (I hope Kerbalstuff added it there properly). DO NOT FORGET TO INSTALL KOPERNICUS AND MODULE MANAGER FIRST!!! Kopernicus folder in my archive only contains some textures! For clouds install EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements! Without it you won't see them! Download: Kerbalstuff Changelog: 19 oct: -moved to Kerbalstuff, added clouds. 26 oct: -Planets moved to a dedicated star. -added 2 planets and 1 moon. -Dres returned to it's stock position and replaced. -improved Shomma's clouds. 2 nov: -Reduced Keridani's orangeness a bit. -Added huge planet Atlan with 2 moons. -Clouds should work properly now. -Shomma recolored, not so contrastic now and looks way better. -Updated screenshots. 10 nov: -Fixed atmospheres way too fast pressure gain on very high altitudes. -Redone Kovus's terrain, now much more interesting. -Added magnificent and EPIC gas giant. Will have moons and rings(?) in the future. -All the planets but Atlan moved inwards, Atlan moved outwards to create gap for the gas giant. License: Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Credits: Thomas P. - kopernicus. Sarbian - maintaining ModuleManager. me - making these planets. Some Facts: -Chryso's orbit is mostly below Nebia's geosync, it moves in the opposite direction in it's sky. -Arenn may seem similar to Inaccessible from PF original planets, but it gives totally different experience due to it's landscape. -Some bodies may contain references. You may guess them in this thread, but no fighting about references and, please, use spoilers. -I name planets with first fitting words i figure out, that i consider non-occupied. Any kind of name matches with anything is random! If you notice any kind of author rules or license violation, please inform me and I'll rename the planet ASAP. Known issues: -Sometimes planets may behave wierd after a use of HyperEdit. Created and tested on Kopernicus 0.4 and Module Manager 2.6.8. NOT TESTED ON KSP 1.0.5!!! Have fun!
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