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Article Comments posted by AlphaMensae

  1. 11 hours ago, Jacke said:

    As far as I know from reading posts by @Arsonide and other Squad staff, the base problem with KSP 1.1+ wheels (and landing legs, which are related) is due to Unity 5 completely breaking older KSP wheel code, requiring a complete rewrite for KSP 1.1.  KSP currently uses Unity 5.2, but that Unity version has a major bug with wheels that KSP can only work around.  Upgrading to Unity 5.3 that would resolve that issue would introduce other known Unity bugs that Squad considers much much worse.  Unity 5.4 is still in beta; it's also had a long beta so is expected to be a significant improvement.  When Unity 5.4 releases, Squad plans to move KSP to it and expects that transition to be much easier than the large one needed to go from Unity 4 to 5.2.

    What the KSP 1.1.3 change notes and players' testing indicates is that with experience, Squad's quality of workarounds for the Unity 5.2 wheel bug have improved.  I believe these quotes from the patch notes covers them.


    Further reading on the issue led to the core reason of the problem, which is Unity 5 (or 5.2.4 I think, and probably PhysX as well) does not like wheel colliders being attached to a rigid body via a joint.  Simply put, that means all the other parts of a vessel, so KSP's fundamental LEGO-like construction method was incompatible with Unity 5.  Squad had to use "middleware" produced by a third-party named Edy, who wrote KSP-style wheel modules (Wheel Physics Plus) that allowed the wheels to be used in Unity 5.2.4.  This is what was meant by the wheel code being overhauled for KSP 1.1,  because the old wheel modules literally would not work with Unity 5.2.4.  I think 5.2.4 has other issues as well with wheel colliders, which were fixed in 5.3 but that version had other issues that made it not useable.  5.4 apparently fixes everything, and the middleware has been updated as well, so 1.2 should see the wheels (and landing legs, which use the same system) finally working correctly.

  2. 2 hours ago, Rob2222 said:

    I just would like to know, why is a fix made toggleable? Has it a downside?

    @Arsonide was in EJ_SA's Twitch stream yesterday, and I asked him this very question.  He actually had to run it past @NathanKell, and the explanation was that due to the fix tweaking things deep inside KSP, it was made toggleable in case anything was missed during testing.

    In other words, if the orbit decay fix ends up breaking something else in a worse way, it can be turned off in a case of "pick your poison".

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