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Everything posted by mer

  1. nothing change. i even tried to transfer all kerbals from station to transport ship(and undocked transport ship) except 2 engineers. then i send one on EVA - nothing changed changed control to station - nothing changed changed back to engineer on EVA - nothing changed send second on EVA - nothing changed changed control to station - nothing changed changed back to engineer on EVA- nothing changed entered with both to station and then again sent them EVA. - nothing changed. When i looked on log i thought that there could be problem that contract doesn't recognize my space station as targetvessel1 anymore (maybe because of docking? space station was damaged during docking). and that caused this exception [EXC 22:45:19.776] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object ContractConfigurator.FacilityRequirement.RequirementMet (ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract contract) ContractConfigurator.DebugWindow.CheckRequirement (ContractConfigurator.ContractRequirement requirement) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) ContractConfigurator.DebugWindow:CheckRequirement(ContractRequirement) ContractConfigurator.DebugWindow:CheckRequirements() ContractConfigurator.DebugWindow:WindowGUI(Int32) UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle) this is old screenshot of contract view and addons list from CKAN (I've done them i've reported this issue to severedsolo). Maybe there's some conflict between mods. http://imgur.com/a/xpmnP When i return home i'll try to find save before transport ship launched from Kerbin and I'll track progress with screenshots. (and ksp.log)
  2. Here's my KSP.log http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=24738610736503069746
  3. Problem is not with default contract panel as it's same with contract+. debug menu show that(if i read it properly, screenshot attached) REQUIREMENT { name = StationCheck type = Expression expression = (@/targetVessel1.IsOrbiting()) } cause problems. it's same whether my engineer is on eva or is on board of space station. space station is orbiting minmus 28K(apo)/26K(per) http://imgur.com/aGD8KuL
  4. I've just done tests. here's screenshot of contract+ contract window. it's not working as well http://imgur.com/sivoVKR I've also waited over 2 minutes and it doesn't marked mission as complete.
  5. I have same problem as Robhol. I've sent bunch of Kerbals(3 pilots, 4 engineers, 2 scientists) to space station to rotate crew and repair faulty power module and simply gain xp on minmus trip. During docking one of solar arrays on space station was destroyed(Jebediah dropped his sandbox on main engine full ahead button). After docking I've 10 kerbals on space station, including 2 engineers on original body of space station. Sent one of engineers to EVA and now I'm stucked on 2 min timer. screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/xpmnP Note: I've done "Tourism Plus: Kick off space tourism" mission from one of contract configurators packs that required me to have turist 4h on orbit of Kerbin. Timer was working properly.
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