I could imagine an AT-dumb CBU. Just a regular cluster bomb model with many more but smaller bomblets with lower damage radii, and a tighter spread/dispersal zone. Could also be GPS-guided to target's area, as smart CBUs are all the rage nowadays. Other than that, cluster warheads for the MGM-140 ATACMS munition would be awesome (as it was designed principally as a cluster IRBM, not a unitary-warhead rocket cruise missile) and Scud, plus maybe adding in other Russian/Soviet missiles (SS-20-N Saber, OTR-21 Tochka, Iskander-M, etc.) The DF-21 Donfei hypersonic ballistic anti-ship missile would be pretty cool, and a much shorter range (30km rather than 300,000km) variant of the DARPA Falcon Project/Prompt Global Strike could be a small cruise missile the AGM-158 for use on recon planes and heavy fighters.