By veteran, I mean that I've played old versions, not that I'm a great player, by the way
Anyway, last time I played, it was something like 1.0.x or 1.1.x and at that time I already used around 20-30 mods, mainly quality-of-life and stock enhancements.
My goal is to play in sandbox mode and plant a flag near every anomaly in KSP. I had already done that last time I played, from Moho to Duna and all their satellites.
Today I'm back with :
Making History
Breaking Ground
already installed (via CKAN):
Docking Port Alignment Indicator
Easy Vessel Switch (EVS)
HullcamVDS Continued
Kerbal Alarm Clock
Kerbal Engineer Redux
Plane Mode
Precise Node
RCS Build Aid
Surface Mounted Lights
Transfer Window Planner
TweakScale - Rescale Everything!
TweakScale Redistributable
Waypoint Manager
And those dependencies:
ClickThrough Blocker
KSP Recall
Module Manager
SpaceTux Library
Toolbar Controller
TriggerAu Flags
Zero MiniAVC
Maybe some of these are not needed anymore and I'm sure some awesome mods unknown to me were released the last 2-3 years.
Does anyone have any recommendation on improving stock gameplay (I don't need another solar system nor science-fiction engines/parts) and visuals?