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Everything posted by Barbouze

  1. Hi! By veteran, I mean that I've played old versions, not that I'm a great player, by the way Anyway, last time I played, it was something like 1.0.x or 1.1.x and at that time I already used around 20-30 mods, mainly quality-of-life and stock enhancements. My goal is to play in sandbox mode and plant a flag near every anomaly in KSP. I had already done that last time I played, from Moho to Duna and all their satellites. Today I'm back with : Making History Breaking Ground already installed (via CKAN): BetterBurnTime Docking Port Alignment Indicator Easy Vessel Switch (EVS) HullcamVDS Continued Kerbal Alarm Clock Kerbal Engineer Redux Plane Mode Precise Node RCS Build Aid ReStock SCANsat Surface Mounted Lights Transfer Window Planner TweakScale - Rescale Everything! TweakScale Redistributable Waypoint Manager And those dependencies: ClickThrough Blocker KSP Recall Module Manager SpaceTux Library Toolbar Toolbar Controller TriggerAu Flags Zero MiniAVC Maybe some of these are not needed anymore and I'm sure some awesome mods unknown to me were released the last 2-3 years. Does anyone have any recommendation on improving stock gameplay (I don't need another solar system nor science-fiction engines/parts) and visuals?
  2. Hi! I would vote for: - EVA enhancements - Through The Eyes of a Kerbal This makes EVA much more fun Anyway thanks a lot for your work!
  3. Hi! I'm Barbouze, started KSP in 2012, played with it for a year and switched to other games but I kept looking here and there, knowing that KSP was steadily improved. I recently installed version 1.04 and wow! Lot of changes and improvements, be it new parts or campaign. This is really impressive and I tip my hat to the devs for bringing me (and anyone interested in spacecrafts) this cool mix between serious simulation and fun arcade game! I'm back from where I left, being able to do an Apollo 11 mission, launching satellites to map space bodies and assembling a space station Cheers!
  4. Thanks to both of you, I didn't see the "Add custom category" in the new part selector. If it's too annoying to use, I'll go to edit the files.
  5. Hi! I'm back playing KSP (last time was a long time ago, something like 0.22). Anyway, I'm looking for a mod that would allow me to create custom groups of parts or hide specific ones in the VAB/SPH. This way I could create a restricted set of stock parts that would be useful to explain KSP to my buddies and initiate them to basic rocketry, in sandbox mode. Is there a mod that already does this or a way to edit KSP files to get this?
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