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Everything posted by Choctofliatrio

  1. I've never been, but it isn't high on my list.
  2. So can we just get an accurate summary? What's the best periapse for Eve aerobraking/aerocapture? Is it high? Low? Medium?
  3. [quote name='Pixel Kola']I agree. It's sad that they did not pay more attention to rovers, both mobile (Spirit, Opportunity, Curiousity) and just landers (viking, etc..). They are a VITAL part of any space program. They are the pioneers. They carry many instruments with purpose, not to mention the landing sites are chosen with purpose. I wish KSP had more of this. There needs to be a reason to visit each body. Probes/landers should have a much more vibrant role in the game.. not some crap rover body that a 3rd grader can produce in a computer class and some low-tec primitive circle on a stick wheel set. It all goes back to asking if Squad has any real creativity or logic on their dev team.[/QUOTE] They have plenty of logic and creativity. They just need to make a game that balances many things: Semi-Realistic space program simulation Fun gameplay Fairly easy to understand gameplay They could put more of an emphasis on rovers, and I'm sure they will eventually. They just need to focus on the more, well, fun parts of the game first. Give it time.
  4. I didn't do anything yet today Yesterday, I got the KCOM 2 satellite into geostationary orbit (I know it's useless, but I enjoy it). It's something I need to improve at. I am going to try to do something I've never done before in KSP today. IDK what it is. Maybe attempt a docking?
  5. To be honest, I haven't had much issue with 1.0.5's release. I had to delete my career mode save because the new parts messed up the tech tree (I could put the Wheesley on my planes though it wasn't unlocked yet, and I couldn't put the Juno on, though it was unlocked. Course, I couldn't launch planes because the Wheesley, the only engine I had, wasn't unlocked) But I didn't make it far in that career, so it was ok. Learning new mechanics and such hasn't given me much trouble.
  6. President Jebediah Kerman was last seen ordering all American airports to shut down. When asked why he made this decision, he claimed "because they're updating the aerodynamic physics model soon!!!" When asked who would update the atmosphere, he just screamed and ran into the oval office. The sounds of things being lit on fire could be heard behind the locked door.
  7. I don't recall seeing it. Maybe I have, but I've always been more focused on getting to the game :P
  8. [quote name='Destroyer713']You're talking about the ones that aren't in a white case, right? Those haven't been able to retract since 1.0, so that's intended.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I'm talking about the ones without the case. Huh. Well I didn't know that. Guess I'm going to have to change what panels I use for basically... all my missions. Thanks for telling me My first mission to Eve could theoretically have been ruined by the panels not retracting. They would have broken during aerobraking. However, that didn't happen, because the ship was incinerated five seconds after it entered the atmosphere.
  9. [quote name='Coyote27']Hit once for drogues, again for normal ones. If there's only normals, they go on the first press. I can't think of any reason why you'd want normal chutes deployed *before* drogue chutes, so that shouldn't be an issue.[/QUOTE] That's a good idea. The staging system isn't really logical. It goes more off what you put last than what would make sense. It can't be difficult to code for the program to assume parachutes are on the last stage, parachutes and engines aren't on the same stage, launch clamps aren't first stage, etc.
  10. I'm pretty sure this is a bug, but not positive. Whenever I use the OX-4W 2x3 or the OX-4L 1x6 solar panels on satellites, I open them, and am not able to close them. Action groups to close don't work. I haven't observed if this is the same for the solar panels with the white casing, or if it works on manned craft, but the fact that I cannot retract these solar panels has ruined several missions of mine. The "retract panels" option simply vanishes from the menu when I right click on the panel. Reloading the save and restarting the game doesn't work. Once it's deployed, it's stuck. Is this normal? Has anyone else experienced this?
  11. Question: Does putting satellites in geostationary orbit have any real use in stock KSP? Aside from roleplaying and such
  12. I put my first satellite in keostationary orbit. KCOM 1 is now in a 5 hour 59 minute orbit above Kerbin. It wasn't hard, I just hadn't done it before cause I was lazy. But it's cool. I feel accomplished.
  13. Okay, so this is kinda odd, but I have two questions: Best way to build planes, and best way to build spaceplanes. I've built many planes, but none of them are good, and I'd like to improve them. If you have any general advice to these questions I'd really appreciate it if you answered a few of these questions. Planes What is the optimal Center of mass/center of lift relationship (where should they be relative to one another) How should the tailplane be structured? (What winglets to use, and how) Landing gear placement? Finally, I've often tried to launch planes only to have them swerve back and forth on the runway for seemingly no reason. Any reason for this? Spaceplanes What engines do you recommend using? I tried Rapiers, which didn't work too well for me, and the aerospike, which also didn't work in my design. If you could answer a couple of these questions, it'd really help me. I'm not too good at this game
  14. Ooh... It'd be cool to add that kind of stuff. Perhaps add built-in random events or scenarios to help spice up gameplay. I don't mean the lame ones that the game normally has (I don't remember exactly, though) For example, one scenario COULD be to have a preexisting colony in a very difficult spot to get to (bottom of the ocean, idk) and try and rescue a Kerbal from there before the time limit runs out. Or there's an impending asteroid impact that needs to be stopped. Players could make their own scenarios and download other people's. This wouldn't interfere with the basic game modes, as it'd be an extra option to select.
  15. Fair enough, but I haven't encountered any planes that use ores. The whole setup can be fairly heavy (the new 1.25 m parts make it better). I'm sure some planes use ISRU parts, but I haven't seen any online that use them.
  16. Darn. And here I thought I was doing groundbreaking research. IDK if I could find it again. I had to delete the save file it was in because 1.0.5 ruined the save.
  17. You have a point. I was really only thinking of how to prolong time on the surface. But yeah, planets do need more varied and interesting things to do.
  18. I think a good addition that could be made to make more time to be spent on the surface is make science experiments take longer. It makes no sense in real life to just expose your material samples for a few seconds and leave. You'd expose it for several minutes, observe the changes. You could get different science points for leaving it for a long time, short time, etc. Course, that only really applies to career and science modes.
  19. I found an anomaly, or more of a glitch. On the KSC peninsula, I found a spot where all my instruments said it was tundra, even though it was on the equator and about 5 km from KSC.
  20. I don't see KSP as moving away from rocket parts. 1.0, the last big update, added many things: Fairings (for rockets) Heat shields (rockets) Service bays (rockets) New xenon tanks (rockets) Overhauled heating system, and reentry heat (rockets) Ore and related parts (rockets) Fuel cells (rockets) Atmosphere remodeled (planes and rockets) Landing gear (planes) Some new wings (planes) New models of old parts (planes) AIRBRAKES (planes) So in a recent update, many more things were added to add to rocketry than aviation. I think Squad is just making parts it feels the game needs, and this update was more centered around aviation because it needs more parts.
  21. Try double clicking the right click. It's a normal game feature.
  22. Yeah, I'm pretty sure they fixed body lift in a less-announced patch. So, yay?
  23. The way I see it, they're just polishing up the aeronautics parts of the game to appeal to those players, and have made it possible for more aquatic things to be done. It gives us more things to do. More rocket things will happen soon.
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