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Everything posted by Choctofliatrio

  1. Good plan. You know, I think they should add more interesting things to the area around KSC. Or in general. There's not much point to having land rovers on Kerbin, since air travel is several times faster and more interesting.
  2. I guess my statement was kinda closed-minded. I'm fine with mods like those, they can enhance gameplay a lot. But not being able to have any fun without mods like Real Solar System or B9 is ridiculous. "Hm, I will consider funding your kickstarter. Perhaps you could bring a lot of benefit to KSP. However, I wouldn't trust my money to just anyone, so please post your experience with game development. How many years have you led a team of programmers? What are your qualifications in game design? Finally, what will you do differently than Squad that will make KSP better, and how will you ensure that your plan remains profitable?" He will release the update to modders, and then not release it publicly until EVERY SINGLE MODDER is ready. Also, he'll remove oceans because those distract from space.
  3. I've been trying to create more creative flags. I threw together the Newton, a very basic science jet, in my science game save. On the Newton's maiden voyage, piloted by Jerrhi Kerman (or something like that) I landed in the grasslands. Flag title read "Here lies Jerrhi Kerman. JK I landed a plane" Then, coming in for a highlands landing, the Newton ran out of power (forgot batteries) right before touchdown, and it crashed. Jerrhi survived, and planted the flag "RIP Newton. For real this time." Later, with new parts, built the Galileo, another science jet. Was meaning to put another kerbal in the seat, but Jebediah snuck onto the plane. Flew it to a desert on the KSC continent. Had a fairly hard landing, and lost the tailplane. Planted the flag, with the title "Jeb gets his just deserts!" (get it its funny because he got what he deserved by stealing the plane and getting stranded and its a pun cause hes in the desert hehehehehee)
  4. Possibly. I haven't done much surveying of the area around KSC too often. Imma have to do that someday.
  5. If you can't think of anything fun to do with KSP without your mods, you probably shouldn't be playing KSP. I know they add fun stuff to the game, but if you can't find ANYTHING to do without mods, that's an issue. Build a SSTO. Start a space station someplace you never have before. Do whatever random stuff pops into your head.
  6. I´ve noticed that too. It seems steeper to get into the water. Which makes it even more difficult to get things like subs and depth probes into the ocean...
  7. Okay, pause on the whole water base thing. It's just going to be really tedious. Bouyancy overpowers Kerbals on ladders, forcing them up, so using that as transport isn't an option. I don't think I have the patience for such a thing. And I'm really bad at base building. My only attempt at a "base" was several Minmus craft landed within a few hundred meters of each other. I had a lander, a communications module which tipped over and I couldn't put back up, and a little RCS hovercraft to do science with, as well as its fuel tank it could dock to. RCS craft ran out of fuel a few kilometers from the base, and the two scientists on board had to walk back. Then I think I tipped over the fuel tank at one point, and gave up on the whole endeavor.
  8. I started a new science game. Did some rocket launches, got bored, and unlocked the first plane parts node. (Brief note here, I'm okay with the tiny jet being unlocked first. I do NOT like, however, the tiny intake being unlocked first. It makes it tough to build planes, since I have to put the engines on the wings, and it messes up the way my planes are designed. I'd prefer if the radial intake were available too. But oh well. I'll get used to it.) Built the Newton, a science jet. On its first flight, I realized too late I had forgotten batteries (and thermometers for that matter). The Newton, after a grasslands landing, and flying over the mountains, was going in for a highlands landing. But I had shut down my engines, and so was losing power fast. My crappy design kept wanting to go nose down, so I had to fight to keep it under control. It lost power a split second before landing, the nose pitched down and the craft tumbled. Plane, except the cockpit, was completely destroyed. Got an OK haul of science though. Using that science, I unlocked Flight Control, allowing for better tailfins and winglets. Using these (and batteries this time), I built the Galileo, a next-gen science plane. Jeb snuck onto the plane (I don't like having the main four do many flights when I can help it), and flew it all the way to the desert on the other side of the KSC continent. Landed hard, since this plane wanted to nosedown too, and lost the tailfins. Got some good science fortunately. Before I started any launches, I hired a bunch of Kerbals. And I got ELON KERMAN. I'm gonna use him for whatever crazy designs I want to test XD
  9. One time, before the update, I landed a plane fairly close to KSC (Still on that flat peninsula) Oddly enough, all my scientific readings said it was in the Tundra biome. It counted it as Tundra science in the R&D Building. I would've researched further, but the save file was borked after 1.0.5
  10. That's a pretty good idea. I'll try some different options when I get home today. If all else fails, I could just drop then entire base as one module. I'm gonna need to build a reliable way to get the parts into the same spot in the ocean... Oh, this is going to take a while.
  11. Basically, I meant use the Stayputnik probe with no reaction wheels. IDK if that's a challenge, but it could be frustrating if you are trying to move to face a maneuver node.
  12. The way I see it, being on Kerbin, flying planes and stuff, can be a lot more fun for many players. Squad is appealing to different crowds. In this update, they added more realistic jet engines and added some long-needed bouyancy fixes, and in future updates, I'm sure they'll return to space. They can't do everything at once.
  13. I really want to build an underwater base now. Giant ore tanks holding everything down... It'd be hard to dock parts together though. I suppose you could just have a bunch of modules close together, but then transporting Kerbals between modules would be next to impossible.
  14. Yesterday, to test the new bouyancy myself, I decided to make a few depth probes. Namely, one, with several different versions. The first version had two full ore tanks, some batteries, a probe body, and a few radioactive generators. It had an XL girder on the bottom, with about 8 Rovemax Model M1 Wheels. The back wheels burst instantly, and the design was scrapped. Next was the same body design, with the four of the biggest rover wheels. Worked fine, except for power issues and the fact that it completely fell apart going down the incline towards the water. Finally, I just attached some detatchable fuel tanks, four swivel engines, and a crap ton of parachutes and flew it into the ocean. Got to about 500 m down, but I had no way to maneuver it, so I couldn't go deeper. Also, I think Squad should make underwater biomes and experiments that only work underwater. That'd be cool.
  15. Okay, this is probably impossible: Single Stage to Eve landing and return. So you go to Eve, land, and return all on one stage. And no refueling. Yeah, something tells me that isn't possible XD
  16. I've landed Kerbals on the Mun maybe three times, and only gotten them back once, and don't want to try again. The closest I've gotten to interplanetary are probes either incinerated in Eve's upper atmosphere, or just barely within the SOI of a planet, and seeing said planet from very far away. I've never docked two spacecraft.
  17. I have a suggestion: -Get a rocket to land on Eeloo. But using the Stayputnik probe, and no reaction wheels.
  18. Bleh. Had to delete my career save for 1.0.5. Tried it after updating, all my planes and some rockets were messed up due to the shuffled-around science nodes. Didn't want to bother fixing it. RIP Archimedes, my reliable science plane.
  19. So I guess 1.0.5 IS out. I couldn't tell because Steam refuses to open correctly. Darn. I can't get on right now to see all the wonderful things. Question: Did cargo ramps get released yet?
  20. After days of trying, I managed to register for this forum! I haven't done much of note recently, except in the past few playthroughs, I... Launched and landed Munokhod 1, a Mun rover. After about 10 minutes of driving and 2 kilometers, it went over a cliff, and, me being me, forgot to add reaction wheels or anything to turn it over, so it crashed and exploded. Launched an interplanetary mission. I intended to go to Eve, but had no idea what the launch window was, so I changed plans when getting an encounter proved difficult. I instead went to Jool. Ended up flying by at several thousand kilometers. Got a faraway view of Jool's north pole. So that was fun. Attempted an SSTO. Messed up the landing gear the first time, so it couldn't liftoff and Jeb had to jump out before crashing into the ocean. Second launch, it got into the air, and flew up fine. Controlled like a block of lead, but I made it to about 15,000 m and changed modes on my Rapier engine. Ran out of oxidizer very fast. I'm not going to use Rapiers anymore. I'm pretty bad at this game.
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