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  1. Thanks, guys. I did indeed end up using the debug menu to complete the mission.
  2. I've got a contract to build a base on the Mun through the new contract system. All parameters are met for the contract except the one that says: "Have a part on the vessel." The base was sent up to the Mun in a KIS container and assembled, so sending more "parts" up or taking something off of the rover or rocket present isn't any big deal. ...but what "part" does the contract want? Because nothing has worked so far.
  3. I just landed a 5m Kontainer full of parts to build a Mun base and I cannot open the container on EVA. The only way I can open it is by linking my Buffalo MSEV's winch to it and then accessing the inventory from the rover. ...but the MSEV doesn't have enough storage space to transfer any of the parts over out of the Kontainer. The only option my engineers have when clicking the container is to disassemble it. Am I missing something here or will I need to land a larger, different KIS container to transfer those parts out?
  4. I can confirm my ship in orbit around Minmus is now functional again with
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