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Everything posted by Antares36

  1. [quote name='AlbertKermin']THIS MOD IS EPIC! I just managed to put a probe into orbit of Neidon, taking a total of almost three hours of real time, at maximum stock timewarp, to get there. However, I managed to get into orbit using only chemical engines (the one I used was from RLA Stockalike). I did notice one bug, though. My Gravioli Detectors seem to not be able to make science reports from the orbit of any of the new planets. Not sure if that's this mod's fault, as I am running quite a few other mods as well. Anyway, here are some (badly misspelled, thank you very much Jeb!) images from the mission. [URL]http://i.imgur.com/TG51dCG.png[/URL] The Atlas-K and Neidon Orbiter, before faring installation. The Neidon Orbiter is built with a single, low-power central engine, and four drop tanks rigged in pairs around it. Since RCS is only needed while the drop tanks are full, that entire system is attached to the primary tank pair, and is jettisoned along with them. [URL]http://i.imgur.com/CI7bAju.png[/URL] The upper stage only manages about half of the Neidon Transfer Burn. After that, the probe itself takes over, burning completely through the fuel in the secondary drop tanks and jettisoning them, then burning half the fuel in the primary drop tanks before achieving transfer velocity. [URL]http://i.imgur.com/MMiH0Yd.png[/URL] Arriving and Neidon 25 mission years later necessitated another 1,200 m/s burn to enter orbit, burning through the rest of the primary drop tanks and most of the probe's internal fuel reserve.[/QUOTE] i went to neidon with a puny ion engine after gravity assistsfrom jool and sarnus in like 1 hour so i feel sorry for you....
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