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Status Updates posted by Rodger

  1. Hey, a fellow Canberrean! lol

  2. Nice avatar lol, love EVN :)

    1. Perry Apsis

      Perry Apsis

      Loved that game. Played it way more than any sane person would. Hmm. Seems like a trend. I seem to be doing that with KSP for the last couple of years. 

    2. Rodger


      Right? If only EVN was on steam I'd be able to compare hours to KSP... about to hit 1k in KSP tho lol

    3. Perry Apsis

      Perry Apsis

      Makes me really glad I don't play on Steam, so I don't have anybody telling me how many things I should have been getting done instead. Probably coming up on a Ph.D. dissertation. :-/

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