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  1. How to install this in 1.1.3 now when it requires YongeTech, which is compiled for 1.1.2? CKAN will not allow to install and I do not see any link here to download manually... Regards, Garagoth.
  2. Hi, First: great tree, please keep on expanding it. I wanted to ad some remarks regarding Station Science. Currently you receive experiment modules pretty soon, but then you have to get about 1000 science to unlock cyclotron and lab to even start using those experiments. So I came up with following changes: [code] // Station Science - moved easy/medium quark experiments to first science tier, moved cyclotron (dependency) to early nuclear, // moved ScienceLab and relevant modules into second science tier. @PART[StnSciCyclo]:NEEDS[zETT]:FINAL { @TechRequired = nuclearPower } @PART[StnSciLab]:NEEDS[zETT]:FINAL { @TechRequired = scienceTech } @PART[StnSciExperiment1]:NEEDS[zETT]:FINAL { @TechRequired = scienceTech } @PART[StnSciExperiment3]:NEEDS[zETT]:FINAL { @TechRequired = experimentalScience } [/code] Might be useful as a start for tweaking, at least IMHO starts to be usable. Do you have any github/bitbucket repo for code? I might be easier to deliver pull requests instead... Regards, Garagoth.
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