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Everything posted by mcortez

  1. The cupola is not the only part currently with a hab multiplier, there are at least a few others -- Aeroponics (x1.25) and Kerbitat Habitation (x3). It's been lost to the flood of comments on the thread, but roverdude did post a recommended benchmark for Multipler and KerbleMonth modifiers back on page 53: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/105202-105-usi-life-support-020-20151229/&do=findComment&comment=2373073
  2. Don't forget, this is an abstraction of all resources a person needs including oxygen. I read somewhere that a person uses something like 550 liters of oxygen a day.
  3. Yes, @RoverDude has indicated the most pessimistic value takes precedence - which I took to mean, whichever value is more likely to made you have a bad day is the value that will be used. If customizing, modify both or you can probably delete one of the files.
  4. I thought it was possible to do an optional bonus if something was completed before a timer expired? If you can, then you can flip that around: 10k Base +30k Back before diner +20k Back before biscuits and tea +10k Back before lunch Etc
  5. If its spitting out 18 units per hour, that's more than enough for 16.2 units per day for each of your 5 kebals. (18x6 > 16.2x5)
  6. Your choice. If you like their look & styling, or if they fill a particular niche, then feel free to use them. There isn't a whole lot of "right way" when it comes to KSP
  7. For those people who do not play with MKS/UKS and only use USI-LS
  8. Mulch -> Mushroooms -> Kow Farms -> Profit? Having only recently read The Martian, I inexplicably want to somehow do something with potatoes... But to me it would seem like mushrooms would be easier, although probably less life sustaining... :/
  9. I can't remember if that's one of the ones that Roverdude posted about before the release, where he said it would improve but only up to some limit. I think he did indicate that things should not be able to reach 100%, that you would need to introduce new resources either by mining for them in-situ or shipping them in. Future fertilizer generators will allow for that when landed, but it doesn't look like we'll be able to reach 100% self-sustainable in OKS. Hmm, wonder if future updates will let us cannibalize Kerbals?
  10. I'd like to see a cross over from the USI asteroid mod, but instead of hollowing out to create tank storage, it creates underground hab space -- which would be radiation resistant! Of course, if those bits don't currently work on other bodies, they'll be of limited use. Need 3D printers that use water and substrate to print blocks for structures - does duna have sulfur & fine particle dirt like they're playing with for the Mars cement?
  11. I don't know about off, but you could adjust the base HabMultiplier and BaseHabTime values in the Settings.cfg file -- change them from 1 to something bigger (10 or 100) and you shouldn't have to worry about it for long time (possibly longer than you'll give your save around.) I'm not sure if the NoHomeEffect values change Hab behavior or not, it's possible they might. You are of course at that point gutting 1/3rd of the new mechanics from the mod though.
  12. Maybe a Module Manager config could be used to adjust the Nom-O-Matics when both modules are installed?
  13. I think the problem Fraz86 is pointing out, is that with that one part (and it might be one of only 3 or 4 parts configured like it) provides not only crew slots that work as you describe, but also provides a HabitationModule addition of 12 kerbal months which gets multiplies by the crew ratio. With the way its currently setup it multiplies (crew ratio) * (KerbalMonths in part configurations + 1) So a Mk1-2 with 3 crew gets a total of (1) * (1 kerbal months) for a total of 30 days. Add one hitchhiker and it goes to (2.33) * (1 + 12 kerbal months) for a total of 909 days. So its a huge step up for an increase of very little weight. My suggestion would be to either remove the kerbalmonth modifer and only use the multiplier config option (and tune the hitchhiker to down to something like 1.5) or reserve HabitatModule multipliers to only components that do not themselves add crew slots or do it like this: Have two ratios, one of crew to total seats of vessel (TtlCrwRatio) and a ratio of crew to seats in modules with KerbalMonth modifiers (KMCrewRatio). Then modify the calculation to: (TtlCrwRatio * HabitationModule.Multiplier) + (KMCrewRatio * HabitationModule.KerbalMonths) With this change mk1-2 + hitchhiker and a total of 3 crew wouldbe: (((7/3) * 1) + ((4/3) * 12)) =~550 days versus 909 with current config. Same configuration with a full crew would be: (((7/7) * 1) + ((4/7) * 12)) =~ 210 Versus 361 with current. So a good boost, still bigger than it probably should, but not huge. Personally I don't have a problem with multiple kinds of habitation multipliers, its just with this specific low weight 4 seat part with a very larger multiplier seems a bit broken when it gets incorporated into big designs. Using it to make a 1 or 2 man crew in a capsule be able to get to the edge of the system is one thing, being able to take a huge 60 crew ship add one hitchhiker container and have it marginally decrease their crew ratio but then multiply their range by 13 (versus 1) seems a touch over powered especially one the hab parts specifically designed as colony parts increase the multiplier by less than 5. Forgot to address this example, it would be: (164 / 160) * (1 + 12) * 30 (Crew Ratio) * (Minimum Months From Config + KerbalMonths modifier from that specific part) * (30 days per month)
  14. There was some discussion and preview tidbits both here and on the MKS Kolonization thread starting back last week of December. You can of course always roll back to the previous version, or adjust the consumption in the cfg file back to the old value (.00005 per second I think, might need another zero.)
  15. Assuming I'm groking roverdude's code correctly, habitation is currently calculated using 3 main factors: Crew Ratio to Crew Capacity, Habitation adds via HabitationModule and habitation multipliers via HabitationModule. Crew Ratio = Crew Capacity / Crew Present Habitation Adds = 1 (by default in LS config) + all values added in parts via HabitationModule Habitation Multiplier = 1 (by default in LS config) + values from HabitationModule (I'm not sure what happens if you have 2 multipliers, do they add 1.25 (OKS Aeroponics) + 3 (OKS Kerbitat) or multiply 1.25 * 3) Total is then H-Adds * H-Multipliers * CrewRatio
  16. Well that certainly makes more sense than the KSP wiki, thanks for the info!
  17. I was looking through the parts configs while at work (no firing up KSP without getting dirty looks from my co-workers that can't seem to hit their deadlines AND have spare time) -- and noticed that some OKS parts have room for crew, but no ModuleHabitation (examples include Aero, Agro and Workspace). Do these modules still contribute to Habitation via a default -- or do they simply have no effect plus (or minus) to habitation? Also I remember a reference somewhere to loneliness -- is that still a thing?
  18. I was just looking into this as I'm trying to calculate the resources needed for a crew of 5 in a deep space cruiser that I plan to build, for a 5 year mission. Here's the KSP wiki page for it: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Time Summary: Kerbin Day: 6 Hours Kerbin Month: 38.6 Hours or 6.4 days Kerbin Year: 2556.5 Hours, or 426 days, or 66.23 months Total wackyness. @RoverDude What's the approximate max efficiency we can expect to reach with recyclers? My design will have a Pioneer, Kerbitat, Workspace, Agricultural, Aeroponics, Habitat Ring and Shipyard -- going through the Parts files on github I see that five of those parts have recyclers with values (.75, .5, .25, .5, .25) -- and I'm going to guess that the recyclers are NOT going to drop supply consumption from 16.2 per day (.00075 * 60 * 60 * 6) down to 0.12 per day (16.2 * .75 * .5 * .25 *.5 *.25) Thanks! Edit: If it matters I was only planning on a crew of 5, 1x Pilot, 2xEngineer and 2xScientist -- I haven't cross checked to see if that means I can't man everything that has minimum crew to operate Edit 2: Digging through LifeSupportManager.cs and it looks like if my crew is small (<= 5), that it's just the highest recycler that applies -- so in my case, 4.05 supplies per day?
  19. I think it just adds an integrated antenna to a number of the stock probe cores. I'll see what's needed and submit a PR, thanks!
  20. Any chance of an integrated antenna in the avionics package, so those of us playing with RemoteTech can start with sounding rockets without first unlocking antennas via R&D?
  21. If there are sufficient supplies (Material Kits and what'not on hand) will the Kerbals automatically do hab maintenance/repair or will we need to switch to the bases and manually perform maintenance? Any ideas just how long one could extend a Kerbals off-world stay before they will demand to return to Kerbin regardless of the size of the base? Or would it in theory be possible to construct a base, or generation ship that would keep a Kerbal happy indefinitely? Just trying to get a rough idea of target size to max length of stay -- for example if one had one each of all the OKS modules, with sufficient Supplies and Material Kits -- would a team of 5 kerbals be happy for 4 years, 1 year, or ??
  22. Excellent, looks like I'll definitely be adding in IR & RW. I already have TweakScale, and I use KAS quite a bit when working with my USI/MKS/OKS builds -- so those are already taken care of. I did see that EV3 part, and will likely toss that in as well. I remember seeing warnings about ships with docking ports and having IR parts between them and the root part -- is that still a major issue? If I dock a ship with IR parts to a large space station, will that suddenly summon the Krakken since it'll put docking ports between the IR parts and the station's root part when things dock?
  23. I'm looking to do a new career start this weekend and I was thinking of adding Infernal Robotics Rework and I had a couple of (hopefully) quick questions: 1. Is the v02 Pre-Release Beta posted to the forum on 12/12/15 the current version? 2. I need to install regular the regular Infernal Robotics first, then overlay/add the Rework release on to my gamedata folder, correct? Is the IR in CKAN acceptable or do I need to pull IR from somewhere else? 3. How stable are things, on a scale of 1 (expect a crash during each game session) to 10 (for the parts included, it should be pretty darn perfect) -- with 5 being something like, things aren't perfect and you might get a crash every now and then, but perfectly playable if you aren't trying anything too outrageous. Mostly looking to make some probes and rovers that folder to better fit inside cargo bays or fairings, and possibly some kind of mobile crane for making it easier to pick-up move my USI base parts around that land too far from my bases. Will likely integrate with my existing kOS scripts when possible. THANKS !
  24. Welp, that's what I get for responding on my phone without reading up the thread. You're quite right, I wouldn't want to have to manually move them around modules in a base on any kind of regular basis -- now if I had to assign them to a new duty station or to give them some R&R, once a year -- I don't think I'd mind too much. But any more would get annoying really fast-- and if I didn't move them, I would expect the worst thing that would happen would be for them to become a tourist and move themselves to the nearest non-work location (be it a habitat or rec room) - and if no rec room was available, perhaps an acceptable outcome would be to become a tourist and double their supply rations as comfort food for a while, even better if they automatically went back to their duty station after their R&R after a while (a casino module on a beach might restore them to full duty roster after a week, but someone squatting in am air lock module stuffing their faces with extra supplies might take a month to go back.) But then again, from my PoV I never really thought of them as being stuck in a single spot all the time anyway -- they're just assigned there while "working." Otherwise efficiency modules and having extra living space that they're not assigned to wouldn't help -- they've got to be wandering around between modules when we're not looking I wonder how hard it would be to make a module that actually had the kerbals wander around on their own every now and then, maybe even go EVA and take a walk around...
  25. Depending on how things are done, I wouldn't really see it any different then periodic resupply. So if you build a base big enough, with recreational facilities and what'not -- I don't see any reason why that couldn't become their new "home" -- in which case they don't get homesick. But if you don't go the extra mile to give them a place to watch movies and play ping-pong or mini-golf, then you'll need to deal with crew rotations just like you'd need to deal with resupply missions for a base that was not self-sufficient. Now if there was no way to build a base big enough, with enough amenities to overcome homesickness or at least make it trivial (crew rotations every 3 or 4 years) -- then I'd definitely be looking for a way to turn off or adjust it.
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