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Everything posted by BlackMoons

  1. Not sure but my reactor seems to do nothing. When tritium breeding is enabled (default) I get this in my reactor control panel http://i.imgur.com/zfsc7wq.jpg When I disable it, I get this and the reactor does not seem to do anything (uses no fuel, does not heat/run connected thermal electric generator, etc) http://i.imgur.com/6aydrZK.jpg Mods are: http://i.imgur.com/DoW7uoh.png Just installed KSPI_Extended_1.14.14.zip I believe overtop of KSPI_Extended_1.14.11.zip. Tried deleting 'warp plugin' and reinstalling 1.14.14, no help. <edit> Nevermind, got it working by moving these folders out and using the ones from KSPI_Extended http://i.imgur.com/MqNNkHi.png Though for the life of me, the only folder that looks different is PersistentRotation. You REALLY should remove the .git files from that, its complicating installing it. <edit again> Ok now having issues with thermal engines. http://i.imgur.com/EMBgGvs.jpg Power reaching engine, and if I hit 'next fuel' a few times eventually it does take off like a bat outta hell, but this is unreliable and it will accidently use all my kerbals water as fuel lol. (Starts on atmospheric, hitting next fuel some and it will sometimes 'start' on liquid fuel, water or atmospheric)
  2. [quote name='RadarManFromTheMoon'] Known problem. I will see what I can do about it. [/QUOTE] [URL="http://Hate to be that guy but if its a known problem... Fix it!"]Hate to be that guy.. But if its a known problem, Fix it! :cool:[/URL] Without 2.5M+ SRB's, SRB's seem so useless late game. And there are no stock 2.5M SRB's.
  3. Bell on my SRB's ends up in strange places. Rough way I have been reproducing the bug: Taking large SRB section/etc off my craft, adding 2.5 to 3.75m cone and 3.75m cylinder procedural tanks to my ship (cylinder seems fine, cone seems the problem..), then reattaching SRB's, saving and reloading craft.
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