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Everything posted by Jstephe25

  1. Will this mod be available to download in CKAN? I've downloaded several of your other mods through CKAN to try but i don't see MKS
  2. I have installed and uninstalled this game multiple times over the last several years. Most frustrating thing in the past were game updates than rendered old mods inoperable and would wreck my game play. Well now that the game is finalized i figured i would give it another try. I have had this problem occasionally in the past but only sometimes and im not sure if it's a mod that is causing this. Installed the game yesterday and tried to add some mods but most were unsuccessful. No problem in the game play, just didn't have the mods. When i launched my first vessel i can turn it right and land in the water to get science... Move to today: reinstalled and added a bunch of mods through ckan and now when i launch my first basic vessel i can't control it. As soon as i try to arrow to the right to turn the vessel the SAS turns node on the top right of the nav ball turns orange and i can't turn it. Does anybody know why this happens??? Is it a mod bc I have never had this problem playing vanilla.... I surely can't be the only one who has experienced this
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