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  1. [quote name='mbaaga']I am having the same problem, just updated to 1.0.5 and updated the mods. I am also running remote tech.[/QUOTE] Hello, I have spent the last 6 hours debugging this, learning how CKAN works, how plugins work, adding plug-ins one at a time, and try to salvage my save. I was focusing on SETI rebalance and came here to check the change log, but that was not the problem. It was Science Alert 1.8.9! It puts a no module IScienceDataTransmitter.TransmitData error in the log. (also using remote tech and SETI ctt). I am sorry to see your go. It has been a very different career from my original stock game. And no small concern, one thing I've learned today is that my save will not load without SETI ctt installed. I hope it never breaks!
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