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4 IN 1

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Everything posted by 4 IN 1

  1. Trust me, you don\'t want that 2x warp once proper re-entry in implanted.
  2. I think harvester once said that the VAB,SPH and launch pad are to be re-scale, they just can\'t make it in time for 0.16.
  3. This episode simply nail it: the landing gear, as tough as they are on the numbers, still snapping off the rocket body =P
  4. Most of them use handloads? Must go tell Christ Costa and Travis Haley that they are doing wrong by using manufactured ammunition with a can =P
  5. 4 IN 1

    Jet Man

    His legs is actually acting as stabilizer
  6. Well, to be more technical, even the 'space' we all think about is not a complete vacuum, there is still substance that may or may not be bound by gravity wandering around. Another technical point is that temperature is the measurement of how much energy a said substance contain, the higher temperature the said substance have, the more energy it contain, and the faster it moves around. With that said, when we said we measure the temperature of space, we are technically measuring the temperature of free moving substance in that area unless otherwise specified. P.S. Speaking of which, you cannot get absolute zero reading even in the darkest place of the known universe, because you will always be measuring CMB(around 3 K), P.S.2 That is, however, not as cold as some of the component working inside LHC, which is only 2K, and at 1K, Boomerang Nebula is the coldest naturally existing place in the known universe.
  7. No, Jeb is not crazy, he is THE Kerbal version of Duke Nukem, the kerbal with balls of steel(if kerbal gets a pair of them) and is just too good for the job that he find it boring from time to time, thats why he always looking for thrills to a point where even most fatal explosion does not make him crack.
  8. A lots of thing they use was taken from Russian tech, the fuel choose is toxic as fuck, and it is more of a political show then anything else, so nah, even that was not impressive.
  9. Stay in npc corp and suffer their high tax if you want to stay 'relatively' safe,and fly a cloaky if going into lowsec
  10. I am more interested in nuking the dirty peasants from orbital master race spaceship.
  11. Good call Squad, I am sure Nova will fit into the team, but just wondering, are some you guys working off site or do you just move to Mexico City to work there?
  12. Oh well that is very underwhelming, must be even more underwhelming if you have to stay up this long and early
  13. And it failed =P Looks like one of the burning chamber have a abnormal pressure
  14. I will be afternoon here that time, so yeah, I will watch it
  15. Every era has a gender, it just that Beatles is one of the band that stand at the top at that time.
  16. A lots of people seems to forget that it is Bush and Republicans who bring US into this deep shit.
  17. I have to say that while they are annoying as XXXX, they do manage to make me laugh really hard.
  18. Ever since the guy that get busted by Buzz Adrian was jailed , Jarrah White have become the most outspoken moon landing hoax on the tube,he even go as far to sue a few people quoting his video (which is basically a bunch of video from NASA edited to fit his claims.) to dispute his claim for copyrights violations, makes you wonder how he get all those money.
  19. We are living in a time where dreams are the evil, and almost everyone believe that you can only make a living by becoming a banker, a lawyer or an accountant, and engineering are only for lower class people while science someone who have the brain of genius when in fact it is people in these area that keep the world moving about.
  20. And here is the point: There are actually people who take it seriously.
  21. And there is where your stereotype Chinese come from, everyone know kung fu and everyone want to nuke american or invade Japan and take revenge for WWII, I do admin some people are like that, but for the kung fu part? Well I know none, I do,however, know how to rock an AR15 =P
  22. That\'s what you get when you take Jeremy Clarkson too seriously, you know, your typical stereotype non american who think every american are fat =P
  23. 4 IN 1


    I personally prefer the manga of PlanetES, but the one thing that I don\'t really like is that the story is depressing from time to time. That why I like this better, as the overall mood is positive
  24. 4 IN 1


    More like 2010-2011, but I get what you mean The End of Eva isn\'t all that bad BTW, and for Asuka fan it is a total win =P Besids the new NGE OAV is due out this year, I watch the last one and it is pretty solid,
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