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Everything posted by Ollieshmollie

  1. I think this mod is where it's at, too. If you're looking for something like it, try http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/124069-105-harder-solar-system-kopernicus-v120-112015-axial-tilt-and-more/. If you use stock scale, it changes the Kerbol System to look a little more like this mod (axial tilt of Kerbin, munar inclination, etc.).
  2. Yup, having the same problem. Also KSC Switcher doesn't seem to work as advertised. It placed my KSC somewhere in South America, and I couldn't switch.
  3. Any chance you won't have to switch over at some point? I just got kOS and would love to automate this.
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