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Posts posted by LordKael

  1. 4 hours ago, Curveball Anders said:

    I try to land (or splash) as close to KSC as possible, mainly out of personal pride :)

    With my standard Up-Down vehicle I set a 72x72 orbit, lock retrograde and then I eyeball 165E and retro burn to a pe at 32.

    Then I just stay retro, drop the retro stage when it's heat is hitting 3/4, and pop chutes at 10k.

    Best so far has been splash down 350m off KSC :wink:

    Placing a maker or ship out in the waters East of KSC might be especially helpful for aiming. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Dman979 said:


    How do we explore this? Using jet engines to move, or wheels?

    I've had luck building small planes with very little lift, so, fuselage, stabilizers, and control surfaces. KSP uses the water as a very thick atmosphere, but "gravity" (actually buoyancy) pointing up. I've gotten up to about 35m/s with a single Juno engine on a .625m fuselage, using only the elevons as my "wings".

    Best of luck with your diving!

  3. 47 minutes ago, James Kerman said:

    As to station/base contracts - I tend to build these craft so that the resources on board can be undocked, and connected to an orbital station for later use.

    I too do this; I take the bare minimum for it to be considered a station and fulfill the contract, assemble it in a modular fashion, and then move the useful components to the stations I'm building. I look at these contracts as "Hey, we're gonna pay you to haul heavy stuff into orbit."


  4. 6 minutes ago, suicidejunkie said:

    I'd plan for both a surface base and a fuel depot in orbit to halve your dV requirement and allow much more reasonable size and payload.

    I'm planning to have orbital stations around Tylo, Laythe, and Jool. 

    1 minute ago, cy4n said:
    • Only about 5500 Δv is required to land on Tylo, spare no excess.

    Is that for landing and returning to an orbit, or just to land??? Also, from what orbit does that number assume the vessel is starting?

  5. So, I know there are tons of threads on all sorts of variations on the idea of reusable, including Scott Manley's Youtube series, and EJ_SA's Twitch stream with Condor 9 (Space X Falcon 9). My question is about the practicality of using a full reusable space program such that I can send infrastructure to a Joolian Orbital Station and be able to run missions on every moon without needing to keep shipping vessels and fuel and supplies from Kerbin. I'm playing fully stock atm, save for a handful of engines I modded myself. Any advice or building tips for reusable landers (for Tylo especially) would be greatly appreciated!

  6. The easiest way to explain the differences between a flying wing and a regular fuselage/wing set up would be to build one and see how it flies. For example, take the very simplest flying wing set up for stock: Mk1 cockpit, the largest areoplane wings (FAT-455) and fuel/engines. This design, with the addition of a vertical stabilizer, flies rather well below Mach 1, with variable "best" altitude dependent on what engine you're using. 

    I use this design with a "whiplash" engine for long range scouting of low atmo planets, as I've found that there is a great mass/lift ratio, resulting in lower take off speeds on Kerbin, which translates to a better flight in a lower density atmosphere. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Legendary Emu said:

    What about multiphase contracts? Maybe a specific government dishes out some Duna colony contracts to different people. One guy gets contracted to build the shell of the colony, and another gets contracted to put in equipment, another guy to transport people back and forth to it. It could be fun if there were also race contracts where the first person to get a colony up gets a lot of money.

    Or, even implementing a system of "Okay, now that you've done a contract to establish a colony on Duna for Company A, Company B would like the exact same set up on another part of Duna, and is willing to match what the first company paid". That's how the real market works, and would give incentive for players to come up with cheaper ways of achieving identical goals to improve profit margins. Thats how progress happens :wink:

  8. 4 minutes ago, allista said:

    It's better to use some file-sharing like Dropbox. And to zip the whole thing.

    Anyway, as I see, you're trying to use an old version of the Hangar -- 2.3.2. This was a beta version for KSP-1.0; so if you're playing 1.1.3 or 1.2 it won't work.

    Please, if you're on KSP-1.2, download the latest version (3.0) form the SpaceDock: http://spacedock.info/mod/1000/Hangar

    If not, go back a couple of pages to get the last Hangar-beta for KSP-1.1.3.

    That is an embarrassing mistake... but that you for clearing it up! I love your mods, and am really excited to be able to use this one!

  9. 2 hours ago, allista said:
    4 hours ago, LordKael said:

    I don't see how to get this, as I've never had a need to pull my logs. Could you/somebody maybe give a quick how to for it? much thanks. 

    Look here: https://github.com/taraniselsu/TacLifeSupport/wiki/Help

    Here is the bottom chunk of the logs: http://hastebin.com/ivobuhuxil.sql


    It wouldn't let me post the entirety of the log, as it was too big, so I read through them until it started reporting errors

  10. 26 minutes ago, allista said:

    If you're using Blizzy's Toolbar, you may need to enable Hangar's button in Toolbar settings; separately for Editor and for Flight scenes.

    In Editor a hangar adds most controls into the part menu, so if there's none, something is definitely wrong (and if so, I need to see the log).

    In Flight all controls are in the GUI window.

    I'm using the stock toolbar, I dont see any controls in the part menu, other than the regular probe control type things, and I have no GUI window in flight. What logs do you need?

  11. I'm having troubles interacting with the Hangers in both editor and in-flight/landed. I don't have the toolbar icon that you reference in the wiki, and right clicking only gives me the stock tweakables, nothing special for hangers. 

  12. So, I'm not fully clear on what to put into my Gamedata folder. anybody able to help me out? Currently, I have the entire "Throttle Controlled Avionics-master" folder in my Gamedata folder, but the mod is not showing  up in game. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I am running KSP 1.2, and the newest version of TCA from this thread.

  13. 7 hours ago, Avonix said:
    • ...
    • Brown paper packages tied up in string.

    These are a few of my favourite things.

    I understood that reference!


    to keep on topic, I have to say, the editor changes are quite nice, specifically the change of part highlight. 

  14. 26 minutes ago, Mad_Scientist said:

    I never used Hyper, but is not it obsolete after the release of the new debug menu? Although maybe for the purpose of hypering staff to the surface...

    why hyper to the surface? If you're going to play with cheats anyways, just build a reliable, super impractically heavy lander that can land anything cargo, and hyper edit it into orbit

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