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Everything posted by George2004

  1. I don't have the steam version. However, I am glad to hear about it entering testing. I can't wait! XD
  2. Congrats on winning the 1st prize!

    1. Tremzack


      Thanhkyou so much!

    2. George2004


      No problem! Sorry for the delay in answering. I have been inactive recently. However, I am back! :)

  3. My Kerbal Space Program New Year's resolution is probably to build bases on several planets and moons and to do extensive study of each celestial body! My Kerbal's goals are to get more science and to stay alive for at least 1 day! Happy New Year Everyone!
  4. Congratulations in advance to the winners, and a happy New Year to all!
  5. I accept this challenge! I will start work immediately!
  6. What if there was no such thing as electricity?
  7. I'm sorry about the qst. being too broad! Thanks for the info!
  8. Thanks for info @Tex_NL!!!
  9. I saw this on Kerbal Stuff yesterday! I immediately downloaded it! This looks AMAZING!
  10. Does anybody have any idea as to about how many mods you should have before it makes the game too slow and potentially makes it crash? Once I overloaded my game with mods and it ran so slow I couldn't play until I uninstalled almost 3/4 of the mods I had installed!!! I'm wondering about how many mods I should put in my game!
  11. Is someone going to answer me or not?
  12. The thing is that I'm playing a career game so I have very limited resources. So basically I have NO drogues and NO air brakes so I don't have time to slow down to 250 m/s! Please Help!
  13. Hi I was wondering if anybody could tell me how to make mods! Answers will be greatly appreciated!
  14. I know about the chute icon, but that is the thing. It never does turn green! It is red for the whole descent! I've tried different methods of slowing, such as air brakes, but nothing seems to work! Any more answers?
  15. George2004

    Powder Toy

    I play it too! Its really cool!
  16. How come that when i'm in career mode my parachute always destroys on opening. I only open It on descent. I'm sorry if I sound like I don't know anything! Any answers?
  17. I'd like these too. If you suggested them to @Gelix then i'd like them too! But I might want a parts pack also. Any suggestions!
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