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Everything posted by iTudor

  1. I've managed to get some better frames with all these mods thanks to you thank you very much I got now around 40 fps launching vessels http://prntscr.com/9aaf70 And got all these mods: http://prntscr.com/9aag94 Thank you again <3
  2. Thank You sir, just installed stock without mods and everything on low and voila: http://prntscr.com/9a9xjo In my case Chaka Monkey mod doesn't explode any vessel decoupling, that happened with FASA last time I tried in 1.0.5.
  3. I'll try later stock KSP without any mod, but last time I tried that I also had poor performance, I think i'll just wait to Unity 5 update. Thank you guys for helping
  4. Here is the DxDiag: http://pastebin.com/EJ7X9FQk And I can't upload the output_log to pastebin because its too large, I uploaded it to Mega: https://mega.nz/#!7hoFER4C!qZkeyCerFMcoULBQca_2Ikg4llM1hF1cu1-HZ9dGw38 And the settings.cfg: http://pastebin.com/p907ejAF
  5. Tried 64 bit version, still same. Happens in DX9 mode too. Now I just noticed that in VAB and KSC I started to get more fps, but when I reach orbit or launching vessels fps drops to 8-20.
  6. Tried without OpenGL, getting same FPS, maybe 5 more sometimes, and game is constantly crashing because of lacking memory PD: sorry, English is not my first language.
  7. yup, edited , and it barely uses my CPU, look at screen, only 30% usage of CPU
  8. Hey guys, I just bought KSP and I'm experiencing very very low fps in 1.0.5, I'm playing with -force-opengl and only with Chaka Mod. I'm getting 8 FPS while in orbit facing only 2 vessels, same 8-10 fps in KSC and all the time. My pc: FX-8320 3.50 GHz HD7770 OC 64GB Sandisk SSD 8GB ram I'm not even playing the game at 1080, got it on 1600x900 windowed mode, all graphics on low. here some screens:
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