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Everything posted by Thrimm

  1. This is exactly why I'm puzzled. The values I could look up in the config files are mostly the same and drag multipliers are the same, so I don't know where this difference comes from. This plane has some struts and fuel ducts, but nowhere close to the amount that would explain such behaviour in an intentional way. I've tried this with other planes I have and Mk2 planes seem to have similar problem, even without struts nor fuel ducts. The only ones that work fine are as you said, Mk1 planes. I'm going to see if removing drag from non-physical parts fixes the problem - I think it was the case anyway in 1.05.
  2. I hope I'm in the right place to post this, but I've noticed a major increase in the applied drag after the recent update. I did some testing in the current 1.1.2, 1.1.1 and 1.1 versions of the game and noticed that 1.1 had significantly less drag applied than subsequent ones. According to what I could conclude, 1.1.2 applies almost 20% more drag, which is never mentioned in any of the release notes. (1.1.2 just introduced some optimization). This practically grounded 90% of my spaceplanes, so I'm curious if anyone else noticed this? Here are some screenshots with flight data GUI for both 1.1 and 1.1.2. (notice that 1.0.5 aero was more similar to 1.1). Flight stats in 1.1 And the same situation in 1.1.2
  3. Does "Optimized drag calculations" actually mean that there is slightly more drag being produced? Because this is what I have noticed. I've also compared the results from 1.1 and 1.1.1, it looks like 1.1.2 applies the most drag (compared that on the same vessels, in the same conditions - speed, altitude etc.).
  4. @castille7 Thanks a lot for your comment! HatBat gave me all the valuable tips for controlling the camera, so the credit should go to him . I haven't shared my spacecrafts yet but I'm definitely planning to do it, so stay tuned! @GreyRaven75 This is truly amazing work! Keep it up, I'm anxious to see the next episode!
  5. Inspired by Northrop Grumman TV commercial I've seen recently, I made this video. Please enjoy and comment!
  6. Hello! Being happy for a recent ESA launch, I made a short video showing the milestones in the first ExoMars Mission. Please comment and enjoy!
  7. Thanks for your comments HatBat and V8jester. I'm trying my best to be as cinematic as possible but clearly I lack experience and tools, so every bit of advice/comment would help and will be appreciated. Now I wish my videos were the quality that you guys present, but I took my chances nevertheless and improving on what you said, made a story about Bill sending a submarine to Eve and exploring the ocean floor. I hope it will fit into the thread more - please enjoy!
  8. Hello, Kerbal science team decided to finally find out whether red sand castles are really possible on Duna. They set out bravely, equipped with state-of-the-art Kerbal SSTO technology, so what could possible go wrong... This is actually the first story-driven cinematic I made so please enjoy and comment to your heart's content.
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