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  1. hum, my bad, but the Collect Seismic Data doesn't seem to interact with the pods. If you do it once without pods, does it remove the possibility to collect with ? Maybe i'm having a conflict with another mod...
  2. Hello, I'm confused but the seismic pod and hammer. I'm doing like said in the thread: jettison a pod, another one further. Toggle Hammer: two green lights and a rectangular light that is lighted from red to green: it seems to me that it means it found two pods, and that it will bring lot of science. Then i do "hammer test", the hammer goes out, not too much nor not enough, performs some bangs, comes back...and nothing. What did i do wrong ? I'm in the biome of Kerbin Shores just next to runway with a little rover. thanks
  3. hi, I have the exact same problem. I think , as temporary workaround, you can delete the RemoteTech.dll and RemoteTech_Squad_Antennas.cfg It allows transmission. However, no idea how it will impact the game if you then restore...
  4. What do you dislike about the pin wheel ? I personally like it, it's juste like multiple trees.
  5. hi. It is on the right, in hyper sonic fligths, roughly in he middle of the aviation branch. I have a question also about the lab: what's the point of having the plant experiment growth of the science station mod before the processing lab? Don't you think it is too late in the tree ?
  6. hi, First, thanks for this mod, i'm trying to start a new career with something better than the stock tree, and i think i like more yours. I took a look in game, and i cannot see where the spark engine is (or any of the very small ones). Am I missing something ? Thanks edit: ok, i removed and reinstalled, and now it is there... I swear the branch wasn't there before.
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