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    PC Kerbal Master Race
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    Orbiting Jool
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  1. just a question, how did you fit 4 rotary naval turrets on a plane?meanwhile in soviet russia, it's a russian tank turned into a plane, or possibly vice versa.
  2. here is a neat idea for a part, a xenon scoop that you could unlock shortly after the dawn engine that would deploy like a solar panel and collect very small amounts of xenon, enough to keep it running almost indefinitely. if the game ever went interstellar this would be a low-tech - relatively speaking of course in comparison to warp or near ftl - solution to rudimentary exploration of worlds beyond. another feature that would complement interstellar nicely would be a fog of exploration, like in sid meier's civ, where you could only see within a certain range of where you've been.
  3. if devs ever make ksp interstellar than exo-kerbol solar systems could be procedurally generated, keeping the initial experience the same whilst still adding a random element to it. It would be an even more massive task but man would it be cool. Also you could add exoplanetary bases on planets with an atmosphere, and they would be upgradable like the normal ones, but it would be different from the normal ksc buildings. that would be so cool.
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