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Everything posted by NewTada

  1. Nono, I was meaning the lifter with shuttle during ascent I think I will maybe redesign whole lifter... And I´m not so new to the game, I just have new forum account I´m pretty seasoned space plane pilot and Laythe wannabe colonisator (Project BABYLON)
  2. I had Just problems launching it, but now its all ok with few tweaks... I just flew it for crew return to my space station - flyes and docks like a drem + it looks quite cool. Definetly my go to craft now! And re-entry - one of the best I´ve seen - perfect stability even without SAS on! No problems with overheating when coming from Kerbin orbit! I will use it a whole lot!
  3. It really was flipping like crazy once I get between 6000-12000m, it depended on speed. But with slight tweaks and some careful piloting its now ok. Kinda wonder, if it would be able to land on and get back into orbit of Duna.
  4. I was pretty intrigued by this craft! I gave it a go and I found this: 1. Stock lifter design is not great. It is way OP, maybe skipper instead of mainsail? 2. It was tending to flip pretty bad - I had to change the fins for some bigger, better ones 3. I added struts to hold shuttle more steady Once I got into orbit things were pretty sweet! I havent tried docking yet, but I´m sure it would work. Actually you have enough fuel to fly to Mün and make decent orbit, maybe even dock to station. That would be a great addition to its capabilities, if it would be capable rotating crews between Mün and Kerbin orbits. I love the simplicity of the design and low part count, it will be no problem to use it as escape pod for space stations and such aplications. I will gladly integrate it into my fleet! I look forward to more crafts from you!
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