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  1. Hi everyone ! Thanks for the all the advice you gave me. I thought about my problem all day long and i decided to keep on my mission. Since I know that my approach wasn't perfect (I remembered I placed one of the AN/DN at the exact location of Jool's intercept which is WRONG if you want to spend as low Dv as possible), I decided to keep going, and see if I actually could do it another way. I usually use the flight plan @OhioBob described for any other planet : coming in polar, decouple the sats from the carrier, pick one sat and make it burn 'radial In' to make it pass on the other side of the planet, and then perform a capture burn for both sats. WARNING : This path might not be optimized at all in terms of Dv, but i tried to see if I had enough to actually do something with this ship. This time, i decided perform a little course correction (radially out) before encountering Jool. I came in quite equatorial, with a Periapsis close to 800.000 km. Then, I did a retro-burn (1300m/s) to enter orbit and i kept my Apoapsis as far as I could (things like 2.438.000 km). With that trajectory, I waited my Ap to do a inclination change. At Ap, it only took 328m/s, to reach 90° inclination. Then, i decoupled my sats, and did some fine tuning (1.5m/s) to get my Ap / Pe in front of the poles. Last maneuver : burn retrograde till i hit Periapsis at 210.000 m with each sat. They're now secured from any Joolian Moons encounter, as you can see : Mission is now a success, with some Dv left ! Thanks for your help, and see you around ! I may post a thread for my next Jool / Eve mission. Stay tuned !
  2. Hi everyone! I would like to show you my lastest mission to Moho. It may help new players who have some issues reaching this body, or some of you looking for design ideas. Before beginning, note that this was done in Career mode. Transfer Window Planner and Kerbal Engeneer were the only mods used. This mission is completely stock parts. Let's get it started ! First of all, here's the goal of this mission : Fulfill 'Explore Moho' Contract. I'm using an 'apollo style' design in 3 different stages : - Main engines & liquid fuel - Hab module - Moho lander. The whole ship is approximatly optimized for this mission, in terms of weight and delta-V required, but some adjustments can still be done. My personnal challenges on this mission were : Create a 'half-reusable' asparagus nuclear cluster, made with mk3 LiquidFuel parts => using it for this mission, then refueling and reusing it for a closer one. Use high efficiency of the nukes to bring the less fuel possible on our cluster. There won't be any 'interplanetary kick' stage made of size 3 parts. Remember : less is more ! Bringing all the science done home with the crew. Enough talking, let's show you what it looks like ! The trick to catch up Moho is to slow down at your solar periapsis to reduce your injection burn in a significant way. This mission is a single example, feel free to comment or post yours ! Hope this will help !
  3. Hi everyone ! I'm not used to post here, but i got a problem. I played my career a long time and it's gonna be the time to set some relays around Jool to prepare future missions. I used to place a cheap but efficient 2x relay method around Kerbin, Eve and Duna, as shown below. Well, it worked fine for those 3 planets. But now, im encountering Jool with my ship carriing 2 relay sats, and I just can't reproduce this pattern. Let's take a look at my ship's current trajectory : Every time i try to tweak the periapsis down, i end up with my Pe in front or the equator. In this situation, my signal will be blocked by all the joolian moons. So, here's my question : How do I do to set my Peri-Jool above North or South Pole, and how to have it as low as possible ? Second question : I got 1600dV left on my carrier (without the sats fuel). Do you think i can actually set my sats as those orbiting Duna ? I seached all around the Web, and I just can find some Relay tutorials, show how to put 2/3/5 relays on a equatorial trajectory, everytime done on Sandbox mode. Remember that I'm playing Career mode, so I like tiny and efficient solutions ! I won't use any "Space Titanic". Do you think I can reach It ? Shall I change my design that might be too light for Jool ? Any help will be lovely !
  4. Hi everyone ! This is my first post here after 2 years playing KSP. I would like to show you my lastest mission to Moho. It may help new players who have some issues reaching this body, or some of you looking for design ideas. Before beginning, note that this was done in Career mode. Transfer Window Planner and Kerbal Engeneer were the only mods used. This mission is completely stock parts. Let's get it started ! First of all, here's the goal of this mission : Fulfill 'Explore Moho' Contract. I'm using an 'apollo style' design in 3 different stages : - Main engines & liquid fuel - Hab module - Moho lander. The whole ship is approximatly optimized for this mission, in terms of weight and delta-V required, but some adjustments can still be done. My personnal challenges on this mission were : Create a 'half-reusable' asparagus nuclear cluster, made with mk3 LiquidFuel parts => using it for this mission, then refueling and reusing it for a closer one. Use high efficiency of the nukes to bring the less fuel possible on our cluster. There won't be any 'interplanetary kick' stage made of size 3 parts. Bringing all the science done home with the crew. Enough talking, let's show you what it looks like ! Feel free to comment and share ! If you got any questions, just ask ! A next episode may come later !
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