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Everything posted by bradwiggo

  1. Thank you for your reply I thought the logs told you what was wrong?
  2. I checked the memory usage, when it stops loading, it's is using about 1500 MB of memory, I don't think this is enough to cause a memory issue. Please help, I need this modded install for things.
  3. I am thinking of starting a KSP magazine. I have some questions: 1. Has anybody already done this. 2. Can I use the squad logo, wiki images and images from the texture files in the game files, keeping in mind it is a free magazine, not a for profit magazine? 3. Would anybody be interested in a Kerbal Space Program magazine?
  4. I have module manager installed, but a message always come up saying I need to install it. KSP 1.0.5 Log file: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=6F294D80B5D8B123!7685&authkey=!APv_reuQgkZmMdc&ithint=file%2ctxt
  5. Also I always get a message saying the KSP-AVC is for version 0.25, but I do have the correct version installed
  6. https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=6F294D80B5D8B123!6741&authkey=!AE7PlESbT6GujJE&ithint=file%2ctxt
  7. If the game doesn't load, will it generate a log? I use all the mods listed at this adress: https://m.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/3id5m4/scott_manleys_rss_series_modlist/ Although, tac life support, texture replacer and avc something aren't working. All the mods that are working are the 1.0.5 versions. I will not be able to get a log until later today, as I am away from my computer (posting this from my phone). Could it just be an issue of not enough memory? My system specs: Lenovo laptop AMD A10 Radeon R6 graphics 8GB RAM If it is a memory issue, how would that normally be fixed?
  8. I can't post a log as the game didn't load, and I can't post a full mod list as I have loads of mods. If you need more information just say and I will try to provide it.
  9. I got an error saying I had the 1.1 version, how do I get the 1.0.5 version.
  10. My game doesn't load, it stops on the loading screen. It stops at: FASA/Apollo/FASA_Apollo_Eng/LFE_H1/FASAApolloLFEH1 A list of all my mods: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=6F294D80B5D8B123!6741&authkey=!AE7PlESbT6GujJE&ithint=file%2Ctxt Log file: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=6F294D80B5D8B123!7686&authkey=!AM7Q0WmtGM0QApU&ithint=file%2ctxt Please help.
  11. How do you install this, do you drag the texture replacement folder into the gamedata folder? And how do you install the extras?
  12. Does deadly re-entry do more than the stock game?
  13. I think it might be one of the buzz aldrin ones, but it might not, it was less cartoon like than kerbal space program. Thanks for moving to off topic, sorry about putting it in the wrong section.
  14. I seem to remember watching a video of a game like ksp, but it was more focuses on the administration, does anybody know what game this is?
  15. I think yes, I looked to see if other remote tech parts were there and they are.
  16. Remote tech uses that node though, so where did that part go?
  17. is large electrics in the tech tree, as a part uses it in remote tech and I can't find it?
  18. In the tech tree, what is experimental aircraft engines, as it has nothing in it.
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