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  1. Have you asked Moardv? As hes maintaining RPM and creating a new alternative mod being very active in the community he might have an idea on this issue.
  2. wouldnt it be possible to "man" the probes but making the kerbal invincible at the same time or to respawn him in case of catastrophic failure? I have no idea if you can make kerbs immortal only for certain command parts. but if its possible, it would be a good workaround designwise...
  3. Ok... thank you for your feedback! Looking forward for the first release of Avionics System!
  4. And if I put my own IVA up in unity with just a single MFD of a kind? Furthermore, I would like to map the keys to other props as well. For example a key for the ground prox. Alarm to turn of etc. Could I integrate the keymapping within the .cfg file of the prop? Like key x = the same as clicking the prop in iva?
  5. Hey Moardv, thanks for that awesome mod. One question: Is it possible to map the buttons of the mfds to the keyboard and or to the Joystick? Like if I push a certain key the MFD goes to page x,y? Greetings and keep up the good work!!!
  6. I also would love to see this mod working again. Is there nobody who could recompile ist for 1.1.3?
  7. Found the Solution. For one thing I didnt know to apply the Prop Collider Component and the other thing was to activate the right Layer (Kerbals or Internal Space) on 16 and 20.
  8. Im desperately trying to create Props on my own. As I can place Stock props or mod props without a problem, but when creating my own props I keep failing. I create the prop via Parttools/unity and put the config in the folder. I cant make out any diffrence between what I do and the other props. As the screenshot shows I try to create Hands as Props with the aim to later control them via Leap Motion. But the Hands just appear externally visible. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=630930570 Im hoping you guys can help me!
  9. Unity 5 has nativ VR integration. If u use Unity 5 activating VR is just a click away, at least thats what I noticed when I was playing around with my DK2 and Unity 5. So I think it should not be too much of a Problem to mod VR in KSP 1.1 ..... Any Expertopinions on that? Or even better: Devopinions?
  10. As far as unity 5 "natively" supports Oculus rift, how hard would it possibly be to code a plugin for Oculus rift as soon as KSP is updated to unity 5 in KSP 1.1? (Question from a Newbie with no idea of Plugin-creating)
  11. Doesnt work for me either. I use vorpx 9.1 and Oculus runtime 0.8. Which one do you use? Seems like Vorpx is blocking kerbtack out, no matter what I do with the HT-Settings....
  12. I think the mobile devices lack of positional tracking which I find crucial for VR-Gaming. Also I dont think mobile devices like Google cardboard and GearVR are strong enough for KSP. Also there is no "natural" Input device like touchm hydra, stem or Vive controllers- and that is in my opinion what makes the diffrence between "just another (mostly passive) VR-Experience" and real VR-Gaming. When you sit in a cockpit in VR you want to reach out and touch things, everything else breaks immersion. So in short, there are just 2 things that need still to be done: 1. Make an experience that doesnt make you sick; 2. Make an experience wehre you can use and see your Hands.
  13. As far as I can tell at the moment I would recommend HTC Vive and Oculus rift CV1 as soon as Oculus touch hits the market (hopefully before Q3/2016). But only if at that time Input is possible in VR (and by that I mean natural input as implicated in my video, not a controller or Joystick). Hopefully we get something like that done by then. Additionally I hope we can make a proper VR Implementation of the headsets, which should be possible as soon there is SDK 1.0 available from Oculus and we have KSP 1.1 released (probably in 1/2016). As for what I can get done at the moment is a good working non 3d virtual environment in Vorpx or a distorted 3d environment in Tridef - so lots of space for improvement. But as soon we get Input (Like with Hydra for the moment and OTouch/HTCvive in the future) and Output (Preferably native Support with unity 5 in KSP 1.1) done the only thing we would have to care about is FPS (which I think should be solvable with some tweaks and 1.1), so nobody gets sick ! And maybe we can get a bit more horsepower on our gamingrigs (at least I would recommend that if your prone to Simulatorsickness) The next thing would be (considering the change of gameplay) adapting the Gameplay with e.g. using multiplayer mods where one player is the "command" using the conventional PC-monitor for flightplanning while the other(s) man the vessel in VR. This should result in a gameplay like in "Keep talking and nobody explodes" (sounds also quite like a "kerbalized sentence") - which I love for being very intense! (but Im dreaming again...) This is btw as far as I've gotten by today: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197972802810/screenshots/ Regards, Poldor
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