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  1. Hei Ferram, Thanks a lot for this mod. I have a question concerning the drag calculation for a rocket. I try to make a numerical model for the ascent trajectory and would need some info for that. There was once a post in this thread where the formulas were described but that post is gone since the backup. If I'm not mistaken the Drag force is calculated as follows: D = 0.5*rho*S*C_d*v^2. The drag coefficient I will try to estimate from a test launch and the info given by the FERRAM flight info window. My question is about S. Where do you get the cross-section area from? Any help on that would be highly appreciated
  2. Brilliant, exactly what I was searching for. Hope they put something like that in KSP sooner or later.
  3. I had the same thought. Would be nice to have some more info on the map. As for example angles between different objects from your position, etc... Maybe we can collect some useful data to show and post it in the development section. Maybe something useful comes up with the mission control center and flight planning. I\'m quite excited about the flight planning thing anyhow.
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