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Everything posted by Creo

  1. Geschosskopf thanks for you help, its RT that is the problem ....
  2. Hello Snark and Geschosskopf Thanks for your replies, but it's still no working. i've been over at a friends house and try it on his system and it worked fine..... i've modet a bit to see if it works but no its just the overlay that and the narrow band scanners that's not working...... http://s8.postimg.org/4dxt5c27p/Res.png http://s9.postimg.org/p4htmnxu7/res2.png hope you can help
  3. Hello Kerbal-nauts I am a +1000 hour veteran of ksp, and now i cant get the resources overlay to work. the probe i use is on an polar orbit at 100km over minmus it has comes ,an m700 survey Scanner and power, the lot! the scanner scans, goes to the "100%", "Done" but then nothing...... in additiontin the narrow band scanners GUI dosnet work. only thing working is the Surface scanning module.... i spent some time on youtube to se what wold scott manley do, and now conclude its something wrong with the game. i have removed the game and reinstall it and tryed with no modes with the same result, added Ckan and some modes same result. any advice ??
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