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  1. Ok, sorry for the hassle, the post has been updated, and the rules have been read. I am not going to send spacecraft (yet), but ground units will be sent in the future. The link to the updated post can be found here, and hopefully that is the last edit I have to make.
  2. OK, I updated my post, but for your viewing ease and pleasure, I'll also put them here. This .zip contains: MBT-3 MBT-4 (Chassis and all variants, feel free to make your own variants of the MBT-4) The TOW Carrier The Box Car The Hellfire Platform.
  3. Well, regardless of whether it is shaped like a loaf or a porcupine, both are firing uranium shells and only the loaf can stop a TOW round.
  4. Hey, if you weaponize a loaf with enough armor and guns, the enemy may aswell be gluten intolerant.
  5. Ok, so I have the photos for my new tank systems for my company, PHNTM, HKA aligned. PHNTM is a rather secretive organization, our main operational bases are not yet located, yet we are known to prowl the outer rim of the system. Founded in 2012, we began yet a simple group of intelligence operators, simply pooling ideas and designs we had idealized. Over he course of that year, our numbers grew, and with that, our funding. Then, we came across [REDACTED], our main money lender, in 2013. He realized that many of us were trained effectively in designing the craft we oversaw. So, we created our seed in [REDACTED]'s military division, and PHNTM was born. Over the years, we secretly diverted funds from across the globe, sending colony ships to where we saw fit. We left our ground support facilities at home, and continued to build and diversify our terrestrial arsenal. I am head of the facilities on Kerbin, and until the GMI shield fell, I have been cut off from our outer rim facilities, cut from my resources. PHNTM is indebted to HKA, and so, with our facilities back online, we will support HKA with our armory. Access to our terrestrial designs have been granted. At any point, you may request our research and production again. PHNTM out. First off is the PHNTM Heavy Armored TOW Carrier: Weighing in at 16 tons, this TOW carrier has 8 tow missiles, and a concealed FLIR targeting ball. It also comes equipped two 30mm cannons for soft targets. Its armor is moderate, with 3 side plates, 5 front plates, and 5 rear plates, and can take a substantial beating. It has been proven in the field to stop Abrams rounds, and is effective against 30mm rounds. It is a relatively light vehicle, and is nimble and cheap to produce. The Dual TOW turrets are HIGHLY effective against light to medium tanks, and once a weak-point is found, expect some holes. The relatively high ammo for the TOWs also allow the TOW Carrier to put up a decent fight against heavy armor. Though armored, this TOW Carrier should stay close to your MBTs, because these can easily be defeated with combined arms. Next is the PHNTM Box Car: The Box Car is a multi-role heavily armored autonomous weapon platform. This beast has heavy solid armoring in the front and sides, as well as a sturdy interior. It has been proven in the field to stop TOW missiles, and have no issue shrugging off Abrams fire. It is, however, vulnerable to small arms anti tank fire, the rapid fire weaponry eating away at the simple armor design. This tank serves two main purposes, anti-air operations, and anti-armor operations. To carry out anti air operations, it deploys it's landing legs and locking radar, and utilizes the Millennium cannon on its top. Just lock on, slave turrets, and fire away. For anti-tank operations, it can stay on its wheels, and make use of the duel TOW turrets and concealed FLIR ball. With the TOW setup, it can easily deter medium to heavy tanks, and claim some armor. Then, there is the PHNTM MBT-3 Another autonomous weapon platform, the MBT-3 utilizes heavy front armor and moderate side armor to deflect heavy caliber weaponry. This tank also has unique internal armoring that has been proven to stop a TOW missile at a time. This MBT can achieve speeds of up to 15 m/s, so use it wisely in charges. It has a concealed FLIR ball in the front armor that can be used as a front stabilizer, for the Abrams, making it perfect for tank rushes. There isn't much to say, it's a simple, hardy tank. Next up, the MBT-4 Chassis: This hardy chassis is the manned adaptation and improvement of the MBT-3, and has the scars to prove it. This vehicle is extremely tough, using a composite armor system, as well as impact compensation between plates, and with an advanced internal shielding and cooling system. It also uses a twin plating system for the side armor, providing extra armoring. The only known vulnerability is repeated TOW missile strikes, and hits under the chassis. This vehicle uses [redacted] to compensate impacts between armor plates in the front and upper sides, resulting in armor that can withstand heavy impacts by missile or howitzer. It has no issue absorbing Abrams rounds, shrugging them off like awkwardly weak slaps. It's external armoring is adapted to survive TOW missiles, and disperses the heat across its layers of compensation. Any remaining heat from the blast enters funnels into the hardy internal plates, which absorb the heat, and protect the internals. When the internal plates fail, a secondary wave of internal plates [redacted] with impact and heat compensation provides the extra shielding needed to protect the crew cabin. As a result, with its combination of advanced armor and high speed (reaching speeds of 20 m/s), it can shrug off lucky hits with the TOW, and then speed away with its gear assembly. This chassis has also shown an affinity for deflecting Hellfire missiles, shaking off 6 before its armor gave in. Depending on what MBT-4 build you use, you can then use your FLIR ball stabilizer and turreted weapon to return fire with deadly accuracy and blistering speed. This chassis comes in three variants, the basic MBT-4, armed with a FLIR ball, Abrams, and 50 caliber turret, the Troop carrier, with a rear crew cabin and modified gears, also equipped with two 50. cal turrets, and the Hell-fire platform. The Hell-fire platform carries twelve hellfire missiles and a 20mm turret. Its firing mechanism nearly guarantees that if you are to hit, you are going to hit from above, damaging or destroying vulnerable top armor and weaponry. Dropbox releases are here. I admit that these tanks do look like bread. Well, bread with armor and guns. I was hungry. Very hungry.
  6. Question, how do I upload photos to these replies?
  7. Speaking of AA, I am working on the PHNTM Box Car, and PHNTM Heavy Armored TOW Carrier. The Box Car, weighing in at 21 tons, is armored with 4 side plates, and 7 frontal plates. Though designed for vehicle hunting, with two TOW launchers and a Millennium, it doubles as an AA platform. It can survive repeated TOW missiles. The TOW Carrier is a lighter solution to vehicle hunting, weighing 13 tons, and modestly armored. As the name suggests, it's main feature is its TOW launchers. It has survived repeated 30mm explosive barrages, and TOW missile strikes. I am testing it further on mobility.
  8. Question, can we include BDA on spaceplanes, like the GMI spaceplane/bomber?
  9. @Red Iron Crown Sorry, it's just that this post was for a cinematic youtube series, as you probably already knew, but to submit it and recognize the company, you need to actually give some lore. Not sure what happens to the other posts that already used lore, but in order for my ships to be displayed as PHNTM Ships, I have to explain PHNTM.
  10. When can I post things without approval of a moderator?
  11. Blueprints https://www.dropbox.com/s/90g6zydwot0wa8j/PHNTM%20Support.zip?dl=0
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