So I went to reset my ksp store pass and got the email with the link to reset the pass, clicked the link and get the "A temporary password has been set and sent to your KSP Account Email address. Login to your KSP Account and change it in the Profile settings." Message but after several hours no temporary password has been sent to my email. I've owned the game since 2012 refuse to transfer to steam for my own reasons. I'm just guessing with all thats going on with the new dlc that the servers are under more load than usual and it's taking a while to send out the email.
I've checked my junk, searched my email for the kerbal email adress to see if it's going off to some other folder but nothing. So I guess no new ksp updates for me until this is fixed. Knowing my luck I'll probably wake up tomorrow with the email in my inbox.
Note: The first email with the link to reset was recieved almost immidiately.
I was able to contact support and now have a ticket pending.