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    No mods. No chutes. No junk. No Booms. Stock-a-doodle-doo.

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  1. I've seen plenty of Vipers, but never a BSG Raptor. Capable of vtol but no orbit. Flies like a lead barn with over 240 parts. I love her.
  2. Promoblurb: May I present to you the finest in orbital hub software, the spacious and capacious Kappa Station. If you call it hardware, you haven't felt the hull. Conceived as the very first of the not-yet famous-modular project designs from MunarKore, it was the era before the fairing which inspired the patented bare-truss ekso-skeleton theme which remains at the present as a marginal bracing structure during launch, but is mostly just a recognizable visual gimmick for the sake of visitors on approach to the Kappa Wappa. Currently available models include an improvement of "duh" level obviousness by extending the longitudinal truss spans across the formerly bottleneckish attachment points of the pictured station, thus interconnecting the entire superstructure from end to end with the decidedly unambitious and nutritious Clamp-O-Tron Junior. Testing indicates this structural enhancement alone results in absolutely NO appreciable improvement in torsional rigidity but does successfully induce a clearance hazzard, not to mention an utterly inconceivable drop in the already paralytic frame rate surrounding this lag hag. Kappa station still maintains a vague rae gae freshness in the eyes of most 90s kids though, due to the Multi-Colored Docking Indication Problem Prevention System (MCDIPPS). On the safety front she also sports a couple of ancient capsule based lifeboats which are themselves both volumetrically and thermodynamically inadequate. And I mean completely but, in order to compensate for that minor shortcoming you may notice the casual yet foreboding touch of micrometeorite shielding plates surrounding the habitat module. Like the rest of Kappa station, they serve no purpose and are as dysfunctional as they are heavy, but you never know what unfathomable terror might lurk inside the next silent and/or deadly update. At the very least your view will be completely ruined, and at most you'll be reminded of your own fragile and pathetic nature. On the plus side there's room for up to 24 permakerbs, and a few scattered cans and cupolas ensure that almost nothing important will be accomplished. Of course you have the requisite reaction wheels, monopushers and even some bi-directional ion "engines" allowing for some action packed, yet precise orbit keeping maneuvers which are optionally powered by various forms of deadly radiation. YAY! Also it sorta looks like a delicate snowflake from the top but is only slightly less durable. So, obviously, if you're in the market for yet another wobbly intermodal monstrosity, this hub is for you! Only $654,258,411,548.99 after three launches. Boosters and Science not included. Void where prodibided.
  3. Pretty much, definitely within 3000 m and again in the dark with no targeting or other crafts as a reference.
  4. Aside from most of the common ones already listed: Propulsive landings only except for spaceplanes. All kerbed flights must carry chutes which are only to be used for emergency situations. Without sufficient atmosphere, double redundant propulsion is required. Any high occupancy vessel must have enough lifeboats for all crew -1. Captains must go down with the ship. And may I suggest that we all try to use the female pronoun when referring to our ships. It's just polite. Thanks.
  5. No space program can begin without a launchpad


  6. Yeah most of the fins don't work backwards, they'll just flip you right around so I put the airbrakes up at the top and she falls beautifully. I typically cut the engines with about 15% of the fuel reserved for landing and as you can see in the video she landed with .4% (185/44100) so I'd say that's a pretty good estimate of the minimal worst case since it was pretty much straight down from 90000m and I only very slightly over corrected the throttle just a bit at the end there. My suicide burn hits above 10gs and I've found that's the key to keeping the fuel usage down.
  7. How about my 600t, 100% stock, completely recoverable "FalKOR" booster landing within 5km of the launch pad with ZERO navigational aides, no parachutes, no wings, no targeting and not even so much as a visual reference from the terrain because it was at NIGHT! Would that count? I've seen some comparably sized recoverable boosters, but so far every one I've found either relies on modded parts, navigation mods, parachutes, outright hacks or a combination thereof to land safely, not to mention that whole dead reckoning in complete darkness situation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yk_Ut1AHYBY She landed with 185 out of 44,100 units of liquid fuel left (.42%) after successfully boosting the "Atreyu" Orbital Transfer Vehicle and payload (combined 100t with fuel) to a confidently generous target profile. It did take 4 attempts, which all loaded back to the same quicksave so there was no refinement of the flight profile from that point over subsequent attempts aside from the relative frame of reference between each attempt along with my own completely unscientific and mathless judgement. I'm actually pretty sure I mostly got lucky with brute trial and error to get back as close as I did, but considering the circumstances I'll consider it a solid win, if perhaps slightly less than perfect. If you're interested I'll be posting more about this booster and many other crafts soon. On a perhaps philosophical note, I personally believe that there will always be room in KSP to figure out something that someone else hasn't done before, and not just in a subtle, nitpicky way either. There is still so much opportunity to innovate in fun and unexpected ways; You could say in a way that this challenge really represents a more fundamental aspect of the game itself which reliably affords a nearly infinite possibility of unique solutions, even when the goals and obstacles remain equal. Doing something that someone else hasn't done, or even just doing something in a new way is the whole reason we all participate in forums and is quite rightly the natural compulsion of any self respecting gamer. CHEERS! >========>
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