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  1. Is it true that dlc will be added? I hope not. Maybe ksp will be bought by ea next update... What will the expansion packs be? Maybe make it so that you can pay a small amount of money If you run out of fuel to recharge your fuel tanks! and why not add adult content and change the rating to R18+?
  2. give me the rock model. i shall make a mod called "random rock part" with the rock of doom that does nothing.
  3. I had a dream Where Jebediah kerman Exploded for no reason. make that happen ingame.
  4. when i try to open the image in anything (photoshop and gimp as well) it does not let me. pictures of birds seems to realy help me...
  5. When i said textures i ment models. ill change that now
  6. It wont let me open textures in paint. i dont know why.
  7. When i try to open a texture to edit it for a mod im making, i find That is says "Page 1/11", and that i cannot edit it unless there is one page. i have tried everything, but nothing works. someone please help me!
  8. I know how to mod (its easy enough), but could someone please give me some textures (as well as models!). My mod will be called Ackoli space industries, and is mostly a combination of Base parts designed for Permanent bases. The art style I want is Stockalike, but a bit more detailed. These are the parts i want textures for= -ASI-250 Standard inflatable ring module, a 2.5 metre part around as big as the Rockomax X200-16 fuel tank, but inflates into a ring with a 10 metre diameter, and holds 8 crew. Has windows Dotted around the outside of the ring. -ASI-100 Small inflatable ring module, a 1.25 metre part as big as the FL-T200, But inflates to 5 metres. looks like a miniaturized ASI-250, And holds 4 crew. -ASI-420 Large scale inflatable ring module, 3.75 metre part as big as S3-3600 Tank. Looks like a larger, more detailed ASI-250. Holds 16 crew. -Ackoli Algal cylinder. Same size as an mk1 liquid fuel fuselage, Although it Is made out of mostly glass, inside which Green throth can be seen. -Ackoli Drop pod module. A 3.75 Metre Command pod, which looks like a sphere, but with a flat plate (1.25 metres) on the bottom and the top to mount things on. Looks like black metal (carbon fiber), and has a few small windows on it. -Nutrient extraction module. a 1.25 metre Object around the size of the 1.25 m battery. Looks like a grey-ish metal plate with Buttons around it. -Water extraction module. looks like the nutrient extraction module but All the buttons are blue, and there is a symbol of a water droplet on it. -Ackoli grade life-support recycling module. a 1.25 metre object around 3 times taller than the water/nutrient extraction module. Has Many buttons and dials on it. also has A recycling symbol on it. -Small Inflatable habitat module. A radial part, which inflates into a Medium sized Rectangle (with curved edges), with A few windows And straps wrapped around It. -Inflatable greenhouse dome. A Radial part, twice as large as the Small inflatable habitat module, that inflates into a large transparent dome with Shrubs inside it. -Extendable docking port. A docking port that inflates into a tube. -Kerbal entertainment Module, A large inflatable sphere with straps wrapped around it. Has A lot of windows, and fits 4 kerbals. on the interior is a large screen showing a kerbalized super-hero, And A box saying 'toys', as well as some tables and seats. -Space house 3000, A 2.5 Metre part, which looks similar to the hitchhiker module, but the exit is lower down, And Looks metallic. It fits two kerbals, and on the interior is a bunk bed, A box labeled "Space Toys", a table with a packet of chips on it, and a potted plant. Those are all the parts that i cannot texture myself, and need help doing. I would appreciate it if someone helped, and I will give credit. The mod Will also come with a space suit, but i can do that myself. So, please help me make ASI Base systems!
  10. Remove all realism because it is too hard make a kraken that kills kerbals extremely violently with blood and organs flying out and you need to go to a 1st person shooter minigame so you can kill it with chainsaws!
  11. Could you please make a forum section for joke suggestions, i find them entertaining and interesting. Then people could make Dumb suggestions (e.g KSP NEEDS BIG LAZORS!) And not get locked every time.
  12. with the mission, i skipped lko and went straight to escape velocity instead. then i thrusted to a jool encounter, without caring about the transfer burn. then i had a crappy jool orbit and had to thrust for a while for a laythe encounter. then i was going realy fast, and used up lots of fuel.
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